Draw / Edit / Define - Process / Macro Ribbon tabs


Draw / Edit Define / Process



Draw / Edit



Click for complete Draw menu documentation.


Users may customize the Ribbon Interface by changing icon style and placement.



Moving the cursor over an icon will activate it as in the image here.


Click the icon to select that function, and then move the cursor into the AP100US work area (onto the part or sheet) to execute the operation.


Note: All icons function in the same manner.



The Draw>Line flyout menu includes:

Line, Multiple Lines, Rectangle Lines
Rounded Corner Lines.



Click the drop-down arrow to reveal the flyout menu as in the image to the left.


Select an option, such as Multiple Lines, and the icon will then illustrate that choice, as shown here -


Now move the cursor directly into the work area to draw multiple lines.


(The Multiple Lines icon will remain until another line type is chosen.)


Click for more info on drawing Lines, Multiple Lines, Rectangle Lines and Rounded Corner Lines.





After an option is selected

and the cursor is moved into

the work area, the current

ribbon will display cursor coordinates instead of icons.


See Coordinates for more info.



Note: Not available for all options.




Notice that some functions, such as Round Hole, have no flyout menu.


See Round Hole for more info.









The Arc flyout menu also contains the Arc 3Points function.


See Arc and Arc 3 Points for more info.




Click for more info on drawing an obround.





The Shape Library allows the user to choose and edit pre-set shapes and groups of shapes.


Click for more info on the Shape Library.




The Rectangle Hole flyout menu also contains the Center Rectangle, Rounded Corner and Triangle Hole functions.


See more info on drawing Rectangle, Center Rectangle, Rounded Corner and Triangle holes.





The Single D flyout menu also contains the Double D function.


See more info on drawing Single and Double D’s.








Points provide anchors and additional dimensions for complex drawings.


Click for more info on inserting a point.





The Enter Text flyout menu also contains the Set Text Height and Font functions.


Click for more info on text options.





Click for more info on drawing an ellipse.







Select to open the Notch Library option, which allows users to apply notch patterns to intersecting lines that comprise part boundaries.


Click for more info on notching.



Click for more info on drawing a radius slot.






The Placing Tool Hit option places patterns that match the tools in your inventory.


Click for more info on placing tool hits.







The Add Flange option is useful for developing a flat pattern from a drawing of a formed part.


Click for more info on adding flanges.

This option allows you to rotate a part.  


Click for more Rotate Part info.






Click for Edit menu documentation.



The options on the Edit menu allow you to correct individual patterns, process geometry and manipulate groups of patterns.


Click for Edit Patterns menu documentation.






Select an option from Box Group Edit to edit pattern groups.


Click for more info on Box Group Editing.


The Copy Patterns option allows you to replicate a pattern.


Click for more info on Copy Patterns.





The Box Delete option on the Delete Patterns submenu allows you to draw a rectangular box, or marquee, around several patterns.



Click for more info on Deleting Patterns.




Easy Edit makes editing patterns easier by allowing patterns in parts to be edited with simple mouse-clicks.


Click for more info on Easy Edit.




The Undelete Pattern option restores the last pattern that you erased using any of the Delete Patterns options.


Click for more Undelete Pattern info.





The Blend Patterns command allows you to place an arc between any two lines, arcs or rounds, or any combination of any of these two pattern types.


Click for more Blend Patterns info.





The Trim/Extend command can extend one line to another line, or shorten one line to stop at an intersection.


Click for more Trim and Extend info.





These group patterns consist of copied entities that are replicated in some type of grid pattern.



Click for more Pattern Line, Pattern Grid, Pattern Circle &

Pattern Arc info.






The Explode options allow you to divide grouped entities into individual patterns or to split a single entity into multiple entities.


Click for more Exploding and Splitting Patterns info.




Primarily used  to prevent the formation of sharp tabs during the bending process, the Round Line Corner option allows the user to apply a round radius to the inside of a corner. The lines are trimmed to the ends of the radius and the system will assign the designated relief tool to that pattern when you tool the part or sheet.


Click for more Bend Relief info.



Use Intersect Patterns to calculate the intersections of lines, arcs, rounds, or a combination of these patterns.


Click for more Intersect Patterns info.




Join patterns by placing a tangent line between two arcs or rounds, making the line tangent to either side of the arc or round.


Click for more Join Patterns info.




Create a line that is parallel to any line on the part using the Parallel Line option.


Click for more Parallel Lines info.




This option locates tangent points from any point on a part or sheet to a line, arc or round.


Click for more Tangent Patterns info.




Place a chamfer on any corner or intersection using the Chamfer Line option.


Click for more Chamfer Lines info.




This option allows you to divide grouped entities into individual patterns or to split a single entity into multiple entities.


Click for more Splitting Patterns info.




These options allow you to group lines, arcs and notches into standard patterns.


Click for more Group Pattern Options info.






These options allow you to select a single polygon segment, or multiple polygon segments, and “smooth” or reduce the number of patterns to create arc patterns.


Click for more Smooth Segments info.




These options allow you to convert special tool patterns into standard patterns, convert comments into special tool patterns and move grouped patterns that comprise special tools to a new location.


Click for more Convert Options info.





These options allow you to apply bend parameters to the construction lines of a part, thereby producing a three-dimensional bend model that you can use in a bending report.


Click for more Part Bending Options info.






Define / Process







Use Auto Part Define to automatically recalculate the size of a part, and use Manual Part Define to marquee a part to define the actual size.


Click for more Part Define Options info.




The Process Geometry in option in the Edit menu allows you to correct imported parts, combine overlapping lines, and define the punching side of the lines.


Click for more Process Geometry info.



Click to insert a reference point when drawing objects.


Click for more Reference Point info.











Click for Macros documentation.




Click to define a macro.


Click for more Define Macro info.

Set Origin allows you to change the origin for a macro.


Click for more Set Origin info.



The Copy option allows you to duplicate an entire macro anywhere within the work area.


Click for more Copy Macro info.


The Move option allows you to relocate a macro to any location within the work area.


Click for more Move Macro info.


The Mirror option creates a mirror image of the macro.


Click for more Mirror Macro info.




The Rotate option allows you to rotate patterns defined as a macro around the macro origin at any angle. Click for more Rotate Macro info.


The Rotate Copy command allows you to duplicate and rotate macro patterns around the macro origin.


Click for more Rotate Macro Copy info.



The Scale Macro option allows you to modify the size of a macro by specifying a ratio. Click for more Scale Macro info.


The Scale Copy option creates and scales a copy of the macro; the original macro remains unchanged.


Click for more Scale Macro Copy info.


The Add Pattern option on the Macro menu allows you to add patterns to an existing macro.


Click for more Add / Remove Pattern info.


If you modify the part size, you can use the Redefine Part option to recalculate the size.


Click for more Redefine Part info.


The Remove Pattern option on the Macro menu allows you to remove patterns from an existing macro.


Click for more Add / Remove Pattern info.


The Flip option allows you to reverse the macro patterns in relation to their origin.


Click for more Flip Macro info.






The Delete option on the Macro menu allows you to erase a macro.

The Undelete option on the Macro menu restores the last macro pattern you erased as an entire group using the Delete command.


Click for more Delete / Undelete Macro info.