Round Hole

To draw a round hole, go to the Draw tab and click the Round Hole button. The system prompts you for the center point coordinates and the radius. Note: To precisely position patterns try the Coordinates feature in the Draw menu.

Round Hole Properties



General (Round Hole)


Center Pt. X

The dimension of the center point in the X direction. Edit the value by selecting the field and typing in a new value. Also, when the field is hi-lited click the placement button that appears, move the cursor into the work area and manually place the RO in x.


Center Pt. Y

The dimension of the center point in the Y direction. Edit the value by selecting the field and typing in a new value. Also, when the field is hi-lited click the placement button that appears, move the cursor into the work area and manually place the RO in y.


The radius of the round hole. Edit the value by selecting the field and typing in a new value. Also, when the field is hi-lited click the placement button that appears, move the cursor into the work area and manually drag the radius and diameter of the RO.


The diameter of the round hole. Edit the value by selecting the field and typing in a new value. A value change will also update the Radius value.

Scallop Ht

Type a value to specify the scallop height on a specific round hole. The scallop height is the distance formed by the scallop created by nibbling tools. The value is measured in either inches or millimeters, depending on the current units setting. See Pitch/Overlap/Scallop Info.

Use as FV Alignment Pattern

This option instructs the FabriVISION software to use this pattern for alignment when scanning. The protection block enables the option. Select either Yes or No from the drop-down list.

Similar Patterns


Change All Similar Patterns

Select Yes from the drop-down list before making changes that you want to apply to all patterns of the same type. The default selection is No.


Displays the number of patterns that were modified using Change All Similar Patterns.


Displays the pattern type.

Round Hole Snap Points

A round hole has snap points at the center and along the right edge. Snap points, active when the Edit Patterns button has been selected, must be enabled in Preferences>Display Options.