Process Geometry

The Process Geometry in option in the Edit menu allows you to correct imported parts, combine overlapping lines, and define the punching side of the lines. These modifications are based on the Joint Tolerance value in the Punching panel of the Preferences window. (Select Preferences from the File menu to open the Preferences window. Click the Punching button to display the Punching panel and to view the Joint Tolerance setting).

Note: PART View must be active and a punch or combo machine must be loaded before you can use this option.

Click for info on the Process Geometry dialog.

Process Geometry dialog



Processing Options


Join Collinear Lines

Locates overlapping lines or end-to-end lines and converts them into a single line. The option deletes the first line and adjusts the second line to occupy the entire space.

Arrange Lines Sides

Shifts the line sides on groups of patterns identified as loops so that all the sides match.


When you have selected the option(s) you want to process the geometry, click the Start button. The system processes the part.


Click Cancel to stop the processing.