Trim and Extend

See also Trimming Arcs.

The Trim/Extend command can extend one line to another line, or shorten one line to stop at an intersection.


1.       When trimming lines, click the end of the line that you want to keep. This trims the correct end of the line. When prompted, click the line where you want to stop the first line. The first line redraws and stops at the second line you selected.

2.       If you want to trim/extend both lines, repeat the procedure and select the second line first.

Trim Line

Extend Line

Before Trim

After Trim

Before Extend

After Extend


Example 1: Extend Lines

Create a new 10 x 10 part. Draw two lines: Line 1 at 1X 4Y (Start Point X and Y), 2X 6Y (End Point X and Y) and Line 2 at 1X 8Y (Start Point X and Y), 7X 8Y (End Point X and Y). You want to extend Line 1 so that it ends at Line 2.

Select Edit > Trim/Extend. Click the lower segment of Line 1 (click the snap point). This selects the line as the one to extend and the lower segment as the portion you want to keep. Click Line 2. Observe as Line 1 redraws and ends at Line 2.

Select the line that you want to extend first.

Then click the line you want the first segment to extend.
The software will extend the line.



Example 2 Trim Lines


Create a new 10 x 10 part. Draw two lines: Line 1 at 2X 3Y (Start Point X and Y), 6X 7Y (End Point X and Y) and Line 2 at 6X 4Y (Start Point X and Y), 2X 7Y (End Point X and Y).


Select Edit > Trim/Extend. You want to trim Line 1 to Line 2. Locate the first line (Line 1) and click it. When prompted, locate the second line (Line 2) and click it. The system will redraw the first line and trim it to the second line or a projected intersection point.


Line 2: 6X 4Y, 2X 7Y

Line 1: 2X 3Y, 6X 7Y



You want to keep this segment, so click Line 1 here.

Then click Line 2.


Line 1 trimmed to Line 2.


  Trimming Arcs

You can also use the Trim/Extend command to trim arcs. The results of the trim are dependent on the selected points and the selection of the patterns in the correct order. Check the Pattern Highlight/Error Sparks color in the Color Parameters panel of the Preferences window. Make sure you select a highlight color that will allow you to easily determine which patterns are selected in the work area. For some arc/line trim operations, you must also select the correct end point to achieve the desired result.

Arc Trimming Examples

For those arcs that you create using the Arc option (Draw/Polygon Pattern), the results of the trim are dependent on the order of the pattern selection. You must select the end points of the arcs and lines in the correct sequence.

Arc-to-Arc Trim

In this example, the arc on the left will be trimmed to the arc on the right. If you were to select the end points in the following sequence:


This end point first…

This end point second…



Arc-to-Line Trim

In this example, the line on the right will be trimmed to the arc on the left. If you were to select the end points in the following sequence:


This end point first…

This end point second…



Three Point Arc Examples

For those arcs that you create using the Arc 3 Points option (Draw/Polygon Pattern), the results of the trim are dependent on the coordinates of the center point and two end points in relation to the intersecting line or tangent pattern.

For example, the center point of the three-point arc is above the line pattern and the two end points below the line pattern.

If you want to trim the ends so that the arc intersects with the line, you must first select the center point of the arc and then select the line. Watch the pattern highlights closely when you move the mouse pointer to ensure that you are selecting the correct pattern.



Move the pointer over the arc until it changes to the Pattern Highlight color and then click the left mouse button.

Move the pointer over the line until it changes to the Pattern Highlight color and then click the left mouse button.


The end points of the arc
are trimmed to the line.



In this example, the both the center point and end points
of the three-point arc are below the line pattern.

If you select the patterns using the same sequence
as previously described, the following would result:

Therefore, you must select each end point and then the line pattern in turn.