
Sheet Layout Info

Sequence Setting

Report Setting

Setting Buttons



Now it is time to choose Sheet Layout, Sequence and Report settings. Click Settings and the Settings Panel appears. (While in this panel the Settings button is highlighted in purple.)


Sheet Layout Info




Nesting Methods

Choose Nesting Method A or B from the pull-down list. These two default options meet the requirements of most users.

Choosing Method A means that the program will regard high sheet utilization as the first priority when nesting parts on a sheet. This method allows more parts to be nested on the sheet.

Method B means that the program will regard Part Grid as the first priority. This allows the user to have an orderly nested sheet.

(When Method A has been selected and the Start Nesting button is clicked, the program will put the nesting operation on hold and launch the Choosing Nesting Results window. For more info see Start Nesting>Choose Nesting Results.)

Note: If the Auto Fill... pull-down is checked ON these options are disabled.

Methods C & D  (See how to enable these options.)

Method C controls nesting logic and maintains columns and rows. This feature requires the Sheet Wizard to grid the parts in order from top to bottom, left to right and then splits the sheet between part columns. When this Method is selected the Space "X" and Space "Y" fields become active allowing the distance between parts to be controlled.

Choosing Method C when loading a part will fill the sheet with the part automatically and the quantity will be shown in the sheet UI.


Method D

Another nesting option is Method D, which differs from the other three types in that it will auto-generate a minimum number of  grids (one grid per unique part) and then add an optimal number of parts giving the best sheet utilization.

In the above image, the user has loaded only 2 unique parts. (With Method D selected, part Quantity in Parts List for Nesting is ignored.) Method D then placed these parts into two separate grids, and added additional parts to fill out the sheet.

Typically, Method D allows for a 1:2 ratio (large to small parts). Notice that there are twice as many small parts in the image. When three or more parts are loaded, the ratio will be 1:1:1.

To control the ratios used, spacing between grids and other options, see Machine>Sheet Layout Info panel>Auto Grid tab for more info.

Notes: Method D only allows part rotation to 0 or 90 degrees.
If the Auto Fill... pull-down is checked ON these options are disabled.

Enabling Methods C & D

For Methods C and D to appear in the Method pull-down list (along with Methods A and B), they must first be enabled. Click open the Advanced Settings window and check the option ON.

Include Features / Leads

This option instructs the system to evaluate the values of part features (corner features, lead-in lines, lead-out lines, etc.) while attempting to nest the parts. If this option is unchecked, the system ignores the part features while nesting and only uses the value specified for the Include Tools/Beam > Beam Diameter option.

Use Common Punching

For a combination machine, this option would instruct the system to use the tool width as the spacing parameter while nesting the parts. For example, if the exterior tools are 0.250, then the system nests the parts using 0.250 spacing. This option is disabled if a cutting machine is loaded.

Auto Tool Assignment

Use this option to determine whether the system automatically assigns tools when loading files for a nest job. Place a check mark in the check box to automatically assign tools during the nest job. This option is disabled if a cutting machine is loaded.

Nest Around Clamp Dead Zone

A check mark in this check box instructs the system to nest parts around the dead zones reserved for the sheet clamps.

Space X / Y

These text fields allow the user to manually enter a space value between parts on the sheet. They are enabled when Nesting Methods A and B alone appear in the Methods pull-down menu, and the Auto Fill One Part... option has been checked ON as shown here -

These options are unavailable
for Methods C and D

Auto Fill One Part in One Sheet requires the system to place a part (regardless of the quantity entered in the Parts List>Quantity column) on its own sheet and fill the sheet with that part. Using this option overrides the nesting logic of Methods A and B, filling out the sheet according to its own parameters. When selected the Space X /Y text fields are active.

Note: When this option is chosen, the Quantity column in Parts List for Nesting is uneditable, because the system decides how many parts are needed to fill the sheet(s).

Auto Choose Best Sheet Size allows the system to select the best sheet size for all parts being nested. When selected the Space X /Y text fields are disabled. This option works in conjunction with the nesting logic of Methods A or B, and picks from material sizes of the assigned type.

Notes: With this option the user must be sure that more than one sheet is available for the Sheet Wizard to draw from, and the Multiple Sheets option in Sheet Wizard>Nesting Parameters must be enabled.

With this option the Quantity column in Parts List for Nesting is editable.

Using Methods C and D with Space X / Y

The Space X /Y text fields are also active when Methods C or D are chosen; however, the Auto pull-down is disabled.


Rotate Step Angle

Enter a value for the Rotate Step Angle. For example, if 30 is entered, then the part will rotate only to 30, 60, 90 degrees and so on.

Note: The lower the number the more often the program must calculate the angle, resulting in greater accuracy. If the number is higher it will be easier for the program to nest, but it can be less accurate.


No Grid Parts

This option allows you to instruct the system whether to process gridded parts as a single unit, or to ignore gridding and individually process the patterns as single parts, rather than a collection of parts.


Space Between Common Cut Grid

Check the box to enable a space to be placed between grids during the common cut process. The space is the value from the Spacing field in the Layout Setting panel.

This option is most applicable to Straight Edge Common Cutting.

If Auto Fill One Part in One Sheet is selected, this option will be grayed out. (See Space X / Y above for info.)

Advanced Settings


Show Page After Nesting


Check ON Edit Sheet Layout / Schedule List Page to have the Edit Layout panel and Schedule List option display immediately after a sheet or job is nested.


Check ON Check Microjoint, Tool Assignment and Interference to have the program run a check on these items. The Problems Encountered Window appears with info on problems that occurred with the nest.


Nesting Strategies
Select a nesting strategy for the job. Methods (numeral designation in parentheses) display in the Choose Nesting Results window in the Method column.


Auto-select optimal nesting strategy from options below (-1)
Select this option to allow the program to select the optimal nesting strategy for the job.


Fastest Nesting (0)
Optimization for polygon lines; this method is the fastest, but is less accurate.


Nesting Without Optimization (1)
Optimization for polygon lines is turned OFF; this method is about 10% slower than Method 0, but is more accurate.


Best Sheet Utilization (2)
Grids are first nested on the sheet, then spaces between grids are merged and parts are nested in larger spaces. This method is suitable for jobs with many parts, which can be nested between grids and in part holes. This method has a superior filler ability and usually results in the best utilization of the entire sheet.


Rectangular Parts Nesting (3)
This method for large regular parts is used to nest parts with minimal nesting in open spaces.


Big Arc Parts Nesting (4)
Uses a bottom-left algorithm on the entire sheet. This method does not nest grids, as it is only suitable for large arc parts.


Default Option When Adding Part


Free Rotation
Check ON to have rotation become the default for loaded parts. The user can override this by manually making a change in the Rotation column in the Parts List. Note: This option doesn't apply to grouped parts.


Common Cutting
Check ON to have common cutting become the default for loaded parts. The user can override this by manually making a change in the Common Cut column in the Parts List. Note: This option doesn't apply to grouped parts.


Grain Direction
Check ON to set a grain direction for loaded parts. The user may manually adjust this setting in the Parts List.


Other Settings


Tool Sequence Priority
Check ON the Tool Sequence Priority option to view all of the tools that are used for the Nesting Job. The option is only active after the parts are prepared for nesting.
When a selected part associated with a group of parts is nested, all the parts within the group are highlighted. The Tool Sequence Priority window opens when Start Nesting is selected, displaying all the tools assigned to the parts in the nesting group. If necessary, modify the order of any tool in the window before processing the nesting job.

See Tool Sequence Priority Window for more info.


Nest One Part Per Sheet
This will nest one part on one sheet. Used only for very large parts that will use up all or most of a full sheet.


Offset Sheet Layout To Center Of Sheet
All parts or a part will be nested in the center of the sheet. Other parameters such as distance between parts still applies.


Show Batch Convert Button For DXF/DWG Files
Check ON this option to have the Batch Convert button appear on the Load Parts window. This allows the user to convert dxf/dwg files into AP100US-compatible .prt files, which can be immediately loaded into the Sheet Wizard Parts List for Nesting.


Output sheet in separate page for pdf report
Checking this option ON causes printed reports to show an enhanced (enlarged) image of the sheet(s) currently being nested. To print out a report in pdf, the Report Setting check box must be checked ON and the PDF option selected.

Generated reports are sent to the C:\AP100US\REPORTS and NCFiles folders.


Process All With Straight Edge Cut
Used primarily for automation, selecting Straight Edge Cut allows AP100US to automatically detect and cut out perimeter notches first, before common cutting the overall part/group boundaries.

The program supports a Straight Common Cut for multiple grids during nesting in Sheet Wizard. See Common Cutting Settings for more info.


Show Method C and Method D
Switch ON this checkbox to have nesting Methods C and D appear in the Nesting Methods pull-down along with default Methods A and B. See Methods C and D for more info.


Only Nest With Selected Sheet Size
When checked ON to control which sheet is used for Nesting. The program will allow only a specific material that has been checked ON in the Sheet Size pull-down to be used for nesting. If no material is selected in the Sheet Size pull-down, the nest will fail.

Before nesting be sure to verify ALL material parameters! The Material Library is the primary source for all materials used in the Sheet Wizard. If a parameter that is set in the Material Library is not set in the Parts List for Nesting, the nesting job will fail. Set parameters for parts listed in the Parts List according to the configuration in the Material Library.  If a change must be made to a material, it's best to update it first in the Material Library and then update the parts accordingly.


Auto Commit to Schedule List
Check this option ON to have every nested job immediately committed to the Schedule List.



Ignore Sheet Available Quantity
For customers that prefer to use their own ERP system to manage the material quantity, this option allows the user to bypass the Material Library when selecting material.

Check this option ON and the Sheet Wizard will ignore the sheet Quantity as given in the Material Library; in this case the total number of nested sheets can be greater than the Quantity value in the Material Library. The Sheet Wizard will bypass the Sheet Size pull-down menu and use the default sheet as indicated in the Preferences>Default Options.

Leave the option checked OFF (the default) and when nesting the total number of nested sheets cannot be greater then the Quantity as given in the Material Library, which is the standard approach.



Ignore Utilization Settings
Check this box ON to allow the Sheet Wizard to nest parts and ignore utilization settings entered in the Material Library or elsewhere in the CADCAM program. This allows the user to easily override these settings in the CADCAM program, that might prevent nesting in the Sheet Wizard.



Open CSV file after committing jobs to schedule list
When this option is enabled, when the user hits the Commit icon the program will open a CSV file for the nesting job that was just processed and also save the CSV file to the C:\AP100US\SWJOBS directory. The saved CSV file can then be distributed to machine operators as needed.



Set Map for Material File Name
This option allows the program to find the material file name based on the Material Type and Thickness. Set the Default Material File for a material type and thickness.

Double-click a column header to display the pull-down menu

Note: If the machine in use doesn't have an associated material, then a Material File Name can't be added in this column.

Sequence Setting



With Sequence and Code Generation

This option enables the program to generate the sequence and NC code after the sheet is tooled and sequenced. This allows the user to review the contents of the NC file to ensure that the material will be processed correctly. This option is synchronized with the same option in the Machine Setting>Sheet Layout Info Panel>Sheet Wizard tab.

Without Sequence and Code Generation

This option will not allow the program to generate the sequence and NC code after the sheet is tooled and sequenced.
This option is synchronized with the same option in the Machine Setting>Sheet Layout Info Panel>Sheet Wizard tab.

Clamp Locations

Clamps 1, 2 and 3 - When Auto Clamp Locations is unchecked, these fields become active. The user can then manually position the clamps according to the diagram at the right. This over-rides any other clamp settings.

Auto Clamp Locations
This checkbox enables the program to distribute clamp positions evenly over the sheet size, balancing the use of clamps. This option, which is checked ON by default, allows the program to pull values from the Machine>Description panel.


Reposition Type

The automatic sequence will process all patterns within range, and then reposition the sheet and process the remaining patterns.

The automatic sequence will reposition first, process all the patterns that are within range, and then return to the original location and sequence all the remaining patterns.

The Home setting is similar to Normal except that after all the patterns are processed, Auto Sequence repositions the sheet to the home position.


Reposition Setup

Min Reposition
The minimum reposition amount used during sequencing.

Note: If Min Reposition <= 0.001, the system will use the Clamp Width to sequence the sheet.

Min “Y” For Repo(A)

This value is the minimum location that the hold-downs can be located in the Y direction in A. (See diagram to the right of the Reposition fields.)

Max Reposition
The maximum reposition amount used during sequencing.

Min Clamp Loc(B)
If the location of the clamp is less than this value, the system displays an error message. The system should locate the clamp to the minimum location in B. If you want to move the clamp, you can do so manually. (See diagram to the right of the Reposition fields.)

Max “X” Travel(D)
The value in this field specifies the maximum distance to process a pattern in the X direction before repositioning. While the machine can process out to the over travel before repositioning, you can reposition before reaching the limit. If this option does not have a check mark, then repositioning occurs when the pattern reaches the maximum over travel in the X direction. (See diagram to the right of the Reposition fields.)

First Travel Range (C)
The value in this field specifies the range to be processed before reposition. It is used the first time, only once, and not after the clamps have been repositioned.

Generally, First Travel Range should be smaller than the regular travel zone. The system will check and compare with the punch tool travel zone/cutting travel zone and the Max “X” Travel, and take the smallest value to process. (See diagram to the right of the Reposition fields.)




Cutout Avoid On
When this option is selected, and the correct values are entered within the machine setup, Auto Sequence does not allow the laser head to pass too closely to cutouts in a part. This enables the cutting head to either go around cutouts, or hop over them by being momentarily lifted.

Start Point Optimization
Check the Start Point Optimization checkbox to allow the program to begin cutting on the closest point on the next cutting pattern instead of the closest snap point.

Macro On
The Macro On option controls whether macros (subroutines) are used when sequencing. When this option enabled, the software uses subroutines when sequencing.

Use Subroutines
This option outputs subroutine programs for parts that are gridded on the sheet (your machine driver must support subroutines).

Grid X, Grid Y
Grid X indicates that parts in the grid will be sequenced horizontally across the sheet. Grid Y indicates that the parts in the grid will be sequenced vertically across the sheet.

Common Angle
When enabled, Auto Sequencing looks for patterns using the same tool and angle as the one just sequenced.

Report Setting



Output Report

The user has the option of generating or not generating reports and their related files. By default the program will generate reports. To NOT generate reports uncheck the box (NC code generation remains enabled) . When this is done, the user may still make changes to the options in this section, but they will take effect in reports only after Output Report is enabled again.

Generated reports are sent to the C:\AP100US\REPORTS and NCFiles folders.

FastReport Setting

FastReport generates and outputs reports in multiple formats, supports various data sources and has built-in scripts for handling complex data. To open and configure FastReport click the FastReport Setting button. To enable FastReport to output customized reports for jobs in the Sheet Wizard, check ON the Output FastReport checkbox in the Report Setting section.

Note: If Output FastReport is switched ON and the Output Report is switched OFF, selecting the View Reports button in Start Nesting will show the FastReport.

Generated reports are found in the C:\AP100US\FastReport\Reports folder. NC code should be generated before a report is produced.

Output Directory and Template Directory
Reports generated by FastReport are placed in these folders by default. Click the button to change the directories as needed.

Remnant Name Prefix
Enter the prefix that will become the default for all remnants that are auto-created by the system. With this prefix a remnant name may appear thus: DROP-48x48-0002 {Remnant name}-{size x}-{size y}-{remnant index}. To create a remnant be sure to check ON Create Remnant in the Machine Info>Sheet Layout Info>Remnant Settings section.

The Remnant name entered here is updated to the C:\AP100US\Parm folder - Setting.ini file.

Available Templates
These are the report templates that are available by default. They are stored in the C:\AP100US\FastReport\Templates folder. Any report can be edited as needed.

Enabled Templates
These are reports that have been enabled by the user and are ready for use. To enable a report select the report in the Available list and click the right-pointing arrow button. To remove a report from the Enabled Template pane select it and click the left-pointing arrow button to return it to the Available list.

In the Type column, click in a cell to open the pull-down menu and choose CSV or PDF for the report output format. The Prefix cell can contain a prefix that the user enters, which will be attached to the beginning of the name. Cells in the Suffix column are edited in the same manner.

Use Prefixes and Suffixes to differentiate between report names for each template. An actual job report name could be "prefix + job name + suffix".

The Edit button is enabled when a template from the Available Template pane on the left is selected. Select Edit to open the selected FastReport template in the user interface, edit as needed and save. The edited report will be saved to the C:\AP100US\FastReport\Templates folder.

Help documentation for using FastReport can be found in Modules > FastReport.

Select Logo
Click this button to select a default logo that will be placed on Fast Reports. Select a logo from the default folder or browse to another folder. Standard image file types as well as .ico files are supported. When a logo has been selected, it will appear on the Select Logo button, as shown here -

License Statement
FastReport is a third-party software and maintains its own End-user license agreement. Click to view.

Note: FastReport in the Sheet Wizard is NOT synchronized with the same option in AP100US.



Select this option and the program creates a nesting report using the XML standard.

Choose PDF to allow the program to create a report in .pdf format.

With this option, a nesting report is created using the ASCII text format. The report consists of ASCII text only.

With the SText option a nesting report using the S Text format is created.

Format (None)
If an option is selected from this list (XLS, CSV or TXT) the user may then select a specified format for the report. The Format dropdown contains a list of formats previously created and saved. To create a new format, click the button to open the Output Format window.

See Machine Information>Sheet Layout Info for more info.




Multiple Sheets Report
Checking this box will generate one report containing information for all sheets in a project.

Uncheck the box and each sheet will have a separate report.

Any report(s) will be viewable by clicking on the View Report button.

Enable NC Popup Dialog
When the program outputs NC various prompts will be hidden. Check the box to allow all prompts to display. This will require the user to manually respond to each prompt.

Include RunTime
To show RunTime in the final report and on the Sheet Info Display Bar,  put a check in the box. If this option is not enabled, Run Time will not appear in the final report, but RunTime can still be viewed on the status bar by clicking the clock icon.

Note: Run Time will not display in the interface or the report if there are problems with the material in use, such as no JKA file, insufficient quantity, etc. Be sure to check the Material!

To AMNC (AMNC-IT Directory)
Check the checkbox ON to enable the Sheet Wizard to generate the .LI1 file that is used by the AMNC-IT Controller System. Other than checking ON this box and nesting a sheet to generate code, the user doesn't need to take any other action. With the AMNC-IT system installed on the same system or network, an operator should be able to browse for this file.

Note: An LI1 file is a schedule file that contains nesting results including the NC code.

See AMNC-IT Controller for more info.w

Output Barcode Labels
Enable the check box and click the buttons to open the Barcode Label Options dialog that can be created along with the sheet.

See Machine Information>Sheet Layout Info for more info.

Output Stack Report
To include stacking info in a report, check the box ON.

Output Stack Layout
To include stack layout info (including a graphic of the stacking arrangement on the sheet and part legends) in a report, check ON the box. Output Stack Report must be checked ON for this option to become enabled.

Note: These two options are synchronized with the same options in Preferences>NC File.

Label Part Names
Number labels (which correspond to the part thumbnail image) can be added to the parts on the sheet. Check ON to enable this feature.
See View Report on the Start Nesting panel for more info.

Number Labels added to the part

Note: This option is NOT linked to "Label Part Names" in the Print Settings dialog.


Setting Buttons

Click on one of the buttons to open the various windows described below.

In these windows the user can set the necessary parameters for the nesting, including machine info setting, sheet info setting, turret setting, cut direction setting, material setting, nesting parameters setting and preference setting.




Click on the Preferences button to display the Preferences window. Here any system settings can be changed prior to nesting.

See Preferences > Default Values for more information.



Click on the Material button to display the Lead In & Lead Out window. After the machine is loaded, the default material setting can be edited here.

Note: When there is no machine loaded, this button is grayed out.

See Material>Lead In & Lead Out for more information.



After a cutting or combo machine is loaded, the user can pre-define the cutting direction for the cutting sequence. Click the Sequence Direction graphic to toggle through the various sequence direction options and then enter a Path Width value.

Note: When there is no machine loaded or the current loaded machine is a punch machine, this button is grayed out.



Shortest Path. The system will sequence the sheet using the shortest distance from the last pattern sequenced.



X-Axis. Use this option to sequence the sheet in the X direction before moving along the Y-axis.



Y-Axis. Use this option to sequence the sheet in the Y direction before moving along the X-axis.



Line-By-Line X. Use this option to sequence the sheet along the primary X-axis, return to the original starting edge, and then sequence the tool along the closest pattern off the primary axis from the last sequenced pattern.



Line-By-Line Y. Use this option to sequence the sheet along the primary Y-axis, return to the original starting edge, and then sequence the tool along the closest pattern off the primary axis from the last sequenced pattern.



Click on the Machine Setting icon to display the Machine Setting window.

Machine related info for the Wizard, including Driver and JKA (or other JK... file) can be configured here.

See Machine Setting>Sheet Layout Info for more info.



Click on the Sheet Information icon to display the Sheet Information window.

This window displays sheet-related information, such as Material Type, sheet size and thickness.

In this dialog box changes can also be made to the current sheet settings, such as material type, sheet size and thickness. The current machine inventory and material file can also be changed. If the machine is changed here, the corresponding machine name will display in the Sheet Wizard main window.

See Sheet Information for more info.


To allow the user to easily make last-minute adjustments to TK unloader settings, click this button to open the TK Settings window.



After a Punch or Combo machine is loaded, click this button to open the Turret inventory. Adjust tool settings here, assign a tool to a certain station, add tool conditions, specify a pre-punch tool, scribe tool and so on.

Basically, the system will load the default inventory of the current machine; however, if the user wants to change to another inventory, besides changing it in Sheet Info, he also could go to the “Tool Inventory” tab of this dialog, and load another inventory.

Note: If there is no machine loaded, or the current loaded machine is a cutting machine, this button is disabled.

See Turret Window for more information.