Split Cutouts


The Split Cutouts option lengthens existing lead-ins and, working together with beam compensation values, will split a cutout in half so that it can drop safely between the workchute rollers.


It is intended for machines with a work chute (typically for Alpha/Pulsar/EML-K), but is available for all Cutting/Combo machines.


Note: To use this feature the Internal Geometry/Lead In and the Show Attributes checkbox in Preferences/ Display Options must be enabled.


Note: The Cutting panel itself is only available if a cutting or combo machine is currently loaded.


Enable the Option

The Split Cutouts submenu is switched OFF by default and does not display. To switch it ON, go to the C:\AP100US\Parm folder and double-click the AutoSplitHole.ini file to open it. The Split Hole Mode is set to 0 by default. Enter <1> to switch it ON and then save the file. Restart the program and then check ON the Enable Auto Split Menu switch in Preferences>Cutting. The Split Cutouts (Hole) submenu will then appear in the Cut Sequence tab.


Note: Enabling Split Cutouts disables the Slug Destroy option.



What the Function does

Similar to the Split Sheet function, the Split Cutout option allows the user to cut internal slugs into smaller sections in the X/Y directions to allow them to fall through the slats of the shuttle table. There's no need to reset the cutting sequence, because when the user places a split hole cut, the system will automatically include this in the existing sequence.



The Square and the Round have been split
using the manual Split Cutout functions


Configuring the Option


In the Process Type window, open the Split Cutouts tab and place a check in the Lengthen Lead-In to split cutouts  and/or other check boxes as in the image -



Min Width

Enter a value to control the minimum size that the system will split in half. Any cutout that is smaller than this value will remain uncut.


To ascertain the size of cutouts use options on the Dimensioning menu.


Note: Generally a cutout that is one inch or smaller doesn’t need to be split, as it will easily fall between the workchute rollers.


Max Width

Enter a value to control the maximum size that the system will split. Any cutout larger than this value will remain uncut. Larger cutouts should be split, so choose a value that takes in to account the largest cutout on the part.


Note: If the cutout is not a standard shape (irregular), then the overall bounding width (in X) of the rectangle is used to determine if that cutout should be split or not.


Slug Destroy Pitch

Enable the checkbox and enter a value to destroy internal cutout slugs as in the illustration. This option may be used together with Lengthen Lead-In. This option also takes effect when Fast Cutting.

Note: Length and angle values for lead-ins and lead-outs (if used) on internal cutout slugs are pulled from the Lead In / Lead Out section on the Split Sheet tab. To avoid cutting into the part itself, be sure to check the length and angle values for the lead-in/out carefully!



Do not pierce near edge

To avoid having the program pierce a cutout on its edge, check this box.


1) The pierce will begin at the center of the cutout (a lead-in property may be enabled in Split Sheet), move down in the Y towards the edge of the cutout and stop short of the perimeter (by a distance which equals the internal lead-in geometry length).


2) A second cut (no pierce) moves up in the Y and stops short of the perimeter (distance equals the beam diameter value).


3) The last cut pierces near the bottom (lead-in may be applied) and then finishes cutting out the slug along the cutout perimeter.


Note: Slug Destroy Pitch must be switched on for this feature to work.


Remove Slug Destroy when Microjoints are Present

When this is checked ON, if the system detects microjoints on a cutout, it will bypass the microjoints and leave them intact and functional, while cutting out the remainder of the slug.





Auto Split Setting

The Auto Split Setting dialog shown here is identical to the one accessible by clicking the gear icon on the Cut Sequence>Split Cutouts submenu.




Note: Options outlined in this dialog are generally used for
lightweight materials (ex: aluminum, 20 gauge or less) and
allow the user to place very small and precise split cuts.



Pitch: This controls the distance between splits in the cutout.


Left/Right Space: Distance from the edge of the hole on both left and right sides of the cutout.


Pre-Cut Length: Very thin gauge materials sometimes require a centrally located vertical precut before other vertical cuts can occur.


Horizontal Cut Limitation: This option is used when there are vertical split lines, which have been cut into smaller line segments. If the lengths of the vertical cuts are shorter than the user-entered value, horizontal pitch cuts between vertical cuts will not be cut.


Island Overcut: This value controls the size of the overcut when cutting the remaining boundary on an island. It takes affect only when Cut Island First is checked ON.


Min Distance between Vertical Cut: This value is the minimum distance between the vertical boundary and the split line in the vertical direction.


Cut Island First: If an island exists on the part, the system will cut it out first. Check the box ON to enable this option.


Cut from Boundary to Center: If pre-cuts have already been cut, full cuts will start at the edge of the hole and move toward the center.


Click OK to save or Cancel to close out the dialog without saving any changes.





Beam Compensation


Use value from Mat. File

The value in this read-only field is entered in the Pierce Location>Cutter Compensation fields. This option is typically selected when the G41/42 code is switched OFF (0) in the CNC Code panel, because the user requires more control over the cutout. Be sure to specify exact values to ensure accurate cuts.



Use Custom value

Enter a value here for Beam (width) Compensation. Use this option when the G41/42 is switched ON (1), which allows the system to automatically calculate beam compensation.


Note: The driver divides the entered value in half and adds or subtracts it from the actual geometry.



Further Notes:


  • This function only applies to paths that cut on the in-side;

  • If there is Microjoint on the cutout, the system will not split the cutout;

  • This function does not apply if another part is nested within the cutout;

  • Split Cutouts cuts from the downside to up, so the pierce location will be at the bottom of the cutout.





Using the Function


To save and apply changes click the Apply or Apply All button at the bottom of the Material Information window (Hot Key: F6) and then OK.


Back in the work area, you may need to click Process Part/Sheet on the Cut Sequence menu, to refresh the view and include any new changes.


Note: Processing resets the cutting sequence for the selected part or sheet.







A view of the part before Split Cut-outs

is enabled. Notice that the Lead-ins are

visible on each pattern.





A view of the same part after Split Cut-outs is enabled. The lead-ins on two patterns have been lengthened according to user specifications.


Max Width for the cutouts was given as 2, so the two larger cutouts have been included.


Min Width was specified as 0.7, so the smallest holes were ignored.






The close-up here shows the lengthened lead-in and the gap created by the beam compensation, which was set at 0.1.




Enable through Start Cut Attribute panel





Users may also enable this feature manually by going to Sequence Features>Start/End Cut Attribute>Start Cut Attribute and then selecting a pattern in the work area.


Individual cutouts on separate patterns on a part or sheet can be switched on or off here.


Changing a Split Cutout through this panel does NOT automatically update the settings in the Split Cutouts tab.