Material Option Panels

Material files are used to define default material values that are used by your machine driver. Each material file for a machine is unique. You must create a material file for each machine. For most cutting and combination machines, you must also create a material file for each material type used.

In some legacy punch presses, the settings in the material file pertain only to the estimated runtime in your setup sheet. A driver manual that explains each item in the material file usually accompanies the driver. The values for these items are generally found in the programming manual for your machine.

For more information on the use of the various panels listed here, consult your driver documentation.

Material Library

Corners Panel

Open (Loading) Material Files

Punching Microjoints Panel

Saving Material Files

Cutting Microjoints Panel

Printing Material Files

Condition Tables Panel

Exporting Files in XLS or CSV formats

Process Type Panel
    Split Cutouts,
    Perimeter Notch Relief,
    Split Sheet

Lead In and Lead Out Panel

CNC Code Panel

Pierce Location Panel
    Fast Laser Cutting

Processing Options