Sheet Status Property Window

The Sheet Status Property Window is divided into two sections. The upper section contains the Sheet Information, and the lower portion, the Part Information. The Properties panel displays on the right side of the work area when any option in the Sheets tab>Sheet submenu is clicked. Depending upon the function selected, the Properties panel will have various info fields (some editable, others read-only) and function buttons.

Sheet Info
The file name of the sheet. If you have not yet used the Save As… option to save the sheet, the default name of NEW SHEET displays.

X (Size)
The X dimension of the sheet.

Y (Size)
The Y dimension of the sheet.

The Thickness of the sheet.

Die Clearances
The Die Clearance that was assigned to the tool. If more than one Die Clearance was assigned, the user may select a different Clearance by clicking in the field and selecting a different die from the pull-down menu. (For Tooling only.) See ATC - Select Die Clearance for more info.

Part Info
The file name of the active or selected part. If you have not yet used the Save As… option to save the part, the default name of NEW PART displays.

X (Size)
The X dimension of the part.

Y (Size)
The Y dimension of the part. Note: If the dimensions are incorrect, switch to PART View and use Auto Part Define option on the Part Define submenu, found on the Edit menu.

X (Location)
The X coordinate location of the selected part on the sheet. The 0X 0Y reference point is in the lower left corner.

Y (Location)
The Y coordinate location of the selected part on the sheet. The 0X 0Y reference point is in the lower left corner.

The angle of the part. This remains at 0 until you modify the part angle.

The number of copies of the part currently on the sheet. Parts that are flipped or mirrored are excluded from the count.

Entries in this cell allow the user to easily scroll through a parts list to search for parts that have been revised. Enter an alphanumeric Part Revision code directly into the cell. Entries here are synchronized with the same column in the Sheet Info>Parts List panel. The revision code becomes available in the Sheet Wizard>Edit Layout panel when the part is loaded into the Sheet Wizard>Add Parts panel. In the Sheet Wizard it is read-only.