Reset Cut Sequence

Reset clears any previously defined sequence. Select Reset Sequence from the Cut Sequence menu. The system prompts you to confirm the action. Press <Y> to reset the sequence, or <N> to cancel. If you reset the sequence, the system redraws the sheet with the unsequenced parts.

Note: Documentation here can also be applied to Modules>Straight Cut Sequence options.

Auto Cut Sequence

The Auto Sequence option on the Cut Sequence menu instructs the system to determine the sequence. The software analyzes the patterns and attempts to sequence the sheet as efficiently as possible.

Note: Each machine is unique. Make sure that you have created material files and defined your Cutting, Sequence Info, and Sequence Feature options. When the system auto-sequences your sheet, it attempts to derive an optimized and logical path according to your settings. Auto sequencing is not intended to replace your extensive knowledge regarding sheet optimization, especially if you plan to cut repeatedly on a specific machine.

Add Cut Sequence

The Add option on the Cut Sequence menu allows you to manually sequence cutting patterns in any order. Select Add from the Cut Sequence menu, and then move into the work area. To select a pattern for sequencing, position the crosshair over its center and click the left mouse button. As you select patterns, the cutting arrows appear in the sequence color, indicating the line side and cutting direction.

Notes: The Add option remains active until you select another command. A check mark appears next to the option in the menu to indicate that it is active.

Make sure to add the patterns in the order you want to cut them.

The last pattern you add to the sequence appears in a different color than the previous patterns. This helps you determine where you stopped sequencing when you view the entire sequence. If you need to include patterns, use the Insert option. To delete a pattern that is in the wrong place, use the Remove option.

The crosshair position determines the cutting direction. For patterns such as center rectangles, selecting the center point cuts the pattern in a clockwise direction; selecting a point on the perimeter cuts the pattern in a counter-clockwise direction.

The Add option is disabled for pattern grids when Cutout Avoidance is used.

 Undo Last Cut Sequence

To reverse the last sequencing operation, select Undo Last from the Cut Sequence menu. This option allows you to eliminate the last pattern (or function) added to the sequence without resetting the entire sequence. As soon as you notice an error, select Undo Last. The pattern is unsequenced.

Note: If you do not notice the mistake or error until you have added other patterns, use the option in Remove Cut Sequence instead.