Print FastReport

This option generates a pdf using the FastReport module. Switch ON FastReport in the Preferences>NC File panel, be sure that the sheet has been sequenced and then click Print to PDF to print the report to the C:\AP100US\FastReport folder. When the report has been generated, it will automatically open for viewing.

Select the Report.frx file to enable the buttons

Directory and Editing Options
Select the Edit button to open the FastReport Settings panel shown here. Adjust the output directory and edit the Prefix and Suffix (in Enabled Templates) if needed. Configure the directories for templates in the Output and Template Directory fields.

If the Enabled Templates table is empty, push the Report.frx file in the Available Templates panel to the Enabled Templates panel by highlighting Report.frx and then hitting the right-pointing arrow button. This step must be taken before the option will function.

License Statement: FastReport is a third-party software
and maintains its own End-user license agreement. Click to view.

Making changes to the pdf format itself must be done while the Report.frx file is still in the Available Templates panel. To format, highlight the report and click the Edit button which will open the FastReport Designer. See FastReport for complete formatting information.


Generating an NC File
Before generating a report the sheet must be sequenced. For a full report select Generate NC to generate the NC code that will appear in the report. (A separate NC File will also be sent to the C:\AP100US\NCFiles folder.) However, generating an NC file may be bypassed at this point.

Note: The FastReport module used in the Sheet Wizard is a full-featured version.

FastReport in the AP100US interface is NOT synchronized with the same option in the Sheet Wizard, though they function in basically the same way. See SheetWizard>Settings>FastReport for more info.