Adding Tools to the Turret
(from the Turret List Window)

Adding a tool to the turret is a simple matter. Select the Add Command button to open a list of the tools that are in the currently loaded Tool Inventory, which appears on the right side of the Turret List window. When a tool is selected (such as this SQ 0.433 tool) all stations in the turret that are the correct size for that tool will be hi-lited in blue, as shown here. Drag and drop the tool into any one of those stations.

To access the Turret List window shown here, select the System Setting tab and then click the Turret Info icon.

Before tools can be added to the turret, a tool inventory must be loaded into AP100US. For info on this and other options and command buttons, see the Turret Window.

The user may also create tools in AP100US that reflect the actual tools available on the shop floor. See Creating and Editing Tools for more info.