Mirror Macro

The Mirror option creates a mirror image of the macro, in which patterns are duplicated and reversed in relation to the origin. Mirror a macro horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

For example, to mirror three rounds into the corners of a part, define a macro that includes the three rounds (image 1). Be sure to set the origin at a point that will be central to all mirror copies (image 1). The user may manually place the copies using mouse clicks, or define placement in the Coordinates panel. Select Mirror and move the crosshair around the macro origin, observing the macro box as it revolves around the origin. Position the macro box in the upper left corner of the part (image 2) and click to place. Continue this process until patterns are placed in the remaining quadrants.

Important -  Using this option requires that the origin point be set between mirror copies.


Notes: Tool assignments and sequencing are lost when using this option.

The angle of a special tool does not change if you mirror it. Use Edit Patterns on the Draw / Edit menu to change the angle of a special tool.