Display Part List

Clicking this option opens the Part View panel shown here.

Part View panel

The options in the Part View panel allow you to manage multiple part files. Usually, only the last part loaded appears in the work area in Part View. If you switch to Sheet View and load parts, the system stacks the parts in the lower left corner of the sheet. If you load a sheet layout consisting of several different parts, only the active part appears in the work area when you switch to Part View.

The Part View panel lists all the parts currently loaded in the system. To display the window, select the Display Part List icon on the Quick Access Toolbar. If you click a file name in the Parts list, the work area updates, displaying the selected part.

The Part View panel also contains the Part Coordinate and Angle Indicator, the Keep Attributes option, and Load, Remove and Process buttons. The following paragraphs discuss these options in detail.

Part Coordinate and Angle Indicator

The Part Coordinate and Angle Indicator button displays the sheet coordinates and angle of the selected part. This feature is useful if you have multiple instances of the same part on the sheet and want to know the current location and angle of a specific part. Clicking the button while SHEET View is active toggles through each instance of the part on the sheet.


The Load button in the Part View panel allows you to interactively load *.prt, *.dxf, *.igs, *.dwg and *.iga files. When you click the Load button, the Open File dialog box appears, listing the files stored in the \Parts directory. The Open File dialog lists files having the Parts (*.prt) extension by default, but you can click the Files of type: arrow and select either DXF (*.dxf), IGES (*.igs), DWG (*.dwg) or IGA (*.iga) to view the remaining file types supported by AP100US.

Note: The system automatically converts DXF, IGES, DWG and IGA files to the *.prt format after you load them.

Batch Loading

You can load multiple files by using the <Control> or <Shift> keys and clicking the file names while the Open File dialog box displays. This feature processes a batch of files.


1. You can use the batch loading technique only from the Part View panel.

2. DXF, IGES, DWG or IGA files you select during the batch loading process are converted into *.prt format. You can only load one file type at a time.

3. If Sheet View is active while you are batch-loading parts, the system stacks the parts in the lower left corner.

4. If you accidentally select a file that you do not want included in the batch, hold the <Control> key and click the file again to deselect it.

To batch load CAD files:

1. Make sure Part View is active. The Part View panel appears.

2. Click the Load button. The Open File dialog box appears.

3. Click the Files of type: arrow and select the file type you want to load.

4. To select multiple files, hold <Control>, and then click the individual files. When you have selected the files you want to batch load, release the <Control> key.

5. To select a range of files, hold <Shift> and click the first and last files of the group. When you have selected the group of files you want to batch load, release the <Shift> key.

6. Click Open to load the CAD files and then click Close to exit the Open File dialog box.


The Remove button in the Part View panel allows you to eliminate a file from the list and sheet. When a part appears in the work area, the system considers it the active part, and selects the file name in the Parts list accordingly.

Note: The option only removes the file name from the list and the part from the sheet. It does not delete the CAD file from the hard drive.

To remove a file, select the file name of the part you want to remove in the Total Parts list. The work area displays the selected part. Click the Remove button.


The Process button allows you to reassign the attributes if you make any changes to the current part, machine file or material file. You can process the current part or all the parts. See also Processing Attributed Parts.


1. If Part View is active, only the active part in the work area is affected when you click Process.

2. If Sheet View is active, and you click Process, all the parts are affected.

3. If any of the parts in the list have already been sequenced, the system prompts you to confirm the processing.

4. The Process button is disabled in Part View when the Keep Attributes flag (Keep Attributes for Sheet Sequence) is enabled.

Keep Attributes

When there is a check mark in the Keep Attributes check box for the selected part, the software maintains any attributes and part sequencing after the part is placed on the sheet. If you remove the check mark, the system reassigns the attributes according to the criteria you specified in the material file.

The system displays a warning message if the part attributes vary from those defined in the material file. You have the choice of maintaining the current set of attributes assigned to the part or replacing the attributes with those specified in the material file.

Saving Part Attributes

You must save each file that appears in the Part View panel using the <F10> key or by selecting the Save option from the File menu. The system saves the attribute and machine driver information with the part file.

If you load an alternate machine, driver and material file, the software attempts to apply the current attributes to the part when you reload it. The system warns you if the part attributes do not match and that the currently loaded attributes will be applied to the part.

Process Indicator

The processing of complex parts can require some time. The Process Indicator in the Status Bar displays the processing status.

Add to Sheet Wizard
Press this button to have the program transfer all parts currently loaded to the Sheet Wizard.
This action will remove the parts listed from the Part View panel.