Snapping and Stepping

AP100US provides snap point and cursor stepping functions. Snapping and stepping allow you to position one pattern by measuring from another pattern. Each pattern has “snap” points to indicate end or center points.

Snap points only display if you have enabled the Snap Points On option in the Preferences>Display Options window. If you enable Snap Mode, you can see the snap points when you request them; otherwise, the snap points are hidden. The snap behavior is dependent on Snap Mode. The software allows you to snap the crosshairs onto any point. Once you snap to a point, the crosshairs stick to that point (Snap Mode Off) or jump only to other snap points (Snap Mode On).

Note: You can use the <F2> key to toggle Snap Mode. You can display a maximum of 300 snap points. If the number exceeds 300, the snap points will not display. If necessary, enlarge the view to see the snap points.

Snap Mode

When you activate Snap Mode, the snap points appear only when you request them. Click the right mouse button to display the snap points. The snap points appear as small addition (+) signs. While the snap points are visible, the crosshairs jump between them. If you want to unlock the snap points and move anywhere within the work area, click the right mouse button again.

When you disable Snap Mode, the snap points do not appear, but you can still snap to them. Move the crosshairs near the snap point you want to select, and click the right mouse button. The pointer jumps to the nearest snap point and remains there until you click the right mouse button again

Step Mode

Step Mode, or stepping, allows you to use to the arrow keys, <Right Arrow>, <Left Arrow>, <Up Arrow> or <Down Arrow> to move the crosshair in increments from a point. To use Step Mode, you must define the step size, snap to a point and then use one or more of the arrow keys to step away from the point.

You can define the step size any time the Cursor Control window opens. Type the distance and press <S>. DO NOT press <Enter>.

Select the pattern you want to draw and click the right mouse button to snap to the point from which you want to start your measurement. Next, press the appropriate arrow key to move the pointer as many times as needed. Finally, press <Enter> to begin the pattern.

Note: If you use stepping to select an exact position, use <Enter> to anchor the pattern instead of clicking the left mouse button. If you attempt to start the pattern with the left button, you might move the pointer away from the desired location.

Example: Stepping

You have drawn a round hole with a center point at 1X 3Y. You want to draw another 0.25 radius round hole 2.0 inches to the right of the first hole at the same Y coordinate.

Select Draw to Round Hole. Move into the work area. Type 2S to set the step to 2 inches or 2 millimeters, depending on the unit measurement.

Move the cursor near the center point of the first round hole and click the right mouse button. The pointer jumps to that snap point. Press <Right Arrow>, and then press <Enter> to start the pattern. Type .25R to define the radius.