
AP100US supports multiple Undo/Redo steps, for Draw, Sheet and Tool operations.

Users can Undo/Redo the operation when making drawing, sheet layout, or tool assignments. Simply select the Undo or Redo commands in the Undo/Redo menu, or click the Undo Redo icons on the tool bar.


Users can perform this undo/redo action when performing drawing, sheet or tool assignment respectively, but not after accessing different menus. If a user adds drawing features and then assigns tools, the tool assignments can be undone but the drawing functions cannot.

Choose the <F8> function key to undo and <F9> to redo.

The Hot key for Undo is Ctrl + Z  and Redo is Ctrl + Y.

Multiple Undo/Redo

Multiple Undo

Multiple Redo

Moving the mouse pointer into the list will automatically select the items. When you click the mouse button, the system will undo or redo the selected actions.