Amada ULX Unloader

What is the Amada ULX Unloader?

The Amada ULX Unloader module is an optional software package that enhances the functionality of the CAD/CAM System. The procedure outlined in this manual only addresses the general features of ULX Unloader. Specific procedures vary from one machine to the next. Please contact your Amada representative for information specific to your machines. The ULX Unloader option is located on the Modules menu. To access the options on the ULX Unloader submenu, you must first open the Modules menu, and then select the option (using the mouse or keyboard) to list the commands. To ensure the options on the ULX Unloader submenu are active when you begin your session, the following conditions must be in effect:

1. Your machine driver must support ULX unloading functions.

  1. Sheet view must be active. You cannot use the gripper unloading options if Part view is active.

  2. If the Info option is active, but the remaining options are disabled, you must use the Info option first to specify the ULX information.


Quick Start Guide

The Quick Start Guide summarizes the gripper unloading process. Review this outline of the Gripper Unloading features. For commands or tasks you do not fully understand, reference the appropriate section.

Start ULX Unloader

To prepare for ULX Unloader, launch the CAD/CAM System. Select Sheet from the View menu. Sheet view must be active before you can use any of the options on the ULX Unloader submenu.

Load the Machine File

Select Open from the File menu, or click the Open File button in the Standard toolbar. When the Open File dialog box appears, select Machines (*.mac) from the Files of type: drop-down list. The system lists the machine files stored in the \Turrets directory by default. If necessary, use the Look in: drop-down list to navigate the hierarchical folder structure. Scroll through the file list window and click the name of the machine file. Click Open to load the machine file. If necessary, edit or load a material file. Click Close to exit the Open File dialog box.

Load the Machine Driver

Select Info from the Machine menu to open

the Machine Setup window. Click the Driver  File button. The Open dialog box displays the machine drivers stored in the \Machine directory by default. If necessary, use the Look in: drop-

down list to navigate the hierarchical folder structure. Scroll through the file list window and click the name of the driver file. If necessary, edit or load a material file. Close the Machine Setup window.

Specify the ULX Unloader Information

Open the Modules menu. Select Info from the ULX Unloader submenu to open the ULX Unloader window. Specify the Unloading Direction, Part Size Limitations, and Sheet Unloading Location by either typing the values in the text boxes or by selecting the appropriate option buttons. Click OK to save the ULX Unloader information.


Create the ULX Unloader Sheet

Load the parts on the sheet and grid them if necessary. Assign the tools to the patterns. Place the final hits or cuts and assign the Bin IDs.

Sequence the ULX Functions

Use the Reset, Unload Part Grid, Unload Part, Unload Sheet,
Delete, View and Reposition options on the ULX Unloader
submenu to remove the parts from the sheet.
You can also use the respective buttons on the toolbar to define the
ULX unloading sequence.

Save the ULX Sheet

Select Save As from the File menu, or click the Save As button in the Standard toolbar to open the Save As dialog box. Select Sheets (*.sht) from the Save as type: drop-down list. Type an appropriate name in the File name: text box. Click the Save button to save the ULX sheet. Click the Close button to exit the dialog box.



The basic procedure for using the Amada ULX Unloader includes:

Amada ULX Sheet

When working with an Amada ULX sheet, use
the Zoom In option on the View menu to enlarge
the details. Use Zoom All on the View menu to

see both the sheet and the storage area.

Amada ULX Storage Area and Bin ID Numbers

Note: If you do not want to display the storage
area, remove the check mark from the Display

Storage Area option on the ULX Unloader




Load the Machine File

A machine file contains the physical parameters of a machine. You must load the correct machine file before you can define a sheet having gripper functions. Machine files have the filename extension of *.mac, and are stored in the \Turrets directory by default.
To load the machine file:

  1. Select Open from the File menu, or click the Open File button in the Standard toolbar. The Open File dialog box appears.

  2. Click the Files of type: arrow and select Machines (*.mac) from the drop-down list.

  3. If necessary, use the Look in: list to navigate the hierarchical folder structure.

  4. Scroll through the file list window and click the name of the machine file you want to load.


  6. Click Open to load the machine file, and then click Close to exit the dialog box.


Load the Machine Driver

The next step involves checking the machine driver, and if necessary, selecting the correct driver that supports gripper-unloading functions. Your machine driver must support gripper functions before you can use them. Please contact your CAD/CAM System representative for more information on custom drivers.

  1. Select Info from the Machine menu to open the Machine Setup window. The Setup Values page
    displays by default.

  2. Click the Driver File  button in the Machine Driver

    section. When the Open dialog box appears, the name of the current driver displays in the File name:
    text box.

  3. If the driver is correct, then click the Close button to exit the Open dialog box. To load an alternate driver, navigate through the file list and click the name of the driver you want to load.

  4. Click the Open button to load the driver. You may be prompted to create or load a material file. See the Material Files section in Chapter 7: Machine Files of the CAD/CAM System manual for more information.

  5. Click Save in the Machine Setup window.

ULX Unloader Window

You must specify the ULX Unloader information before you can use any of the functions. If this information already exists in the machine driver, then you only need to examine the values to ensure they are correct. If necessary, you can view and edit the values for the part size limitations on the sheet.

To display the ULX Unloader window:

  1. Make sure Sheet view is active. If necessary, select Sheet from the View menu.

  2. Open the Modules menu, and highlight (select) ULX Unloader to open its submenu.

  3. Select Info from the ULX Unloader submenu, or click the Info button in the ULX toolbar. When the ULX Unloader window opens, the contents of the X-Direction text box in the Offset Values section are selected by default.

  4. Type the values in the various text boxes. You can navigate the text box fields within the window using a combination of the <Tab> and <Shift> keys. Press <Tab> to move to the next field, or <Shift> + <Tab> to select the contents of the previous field.

  5. When the information appears correct, click the OK button to save the changes and to exit the ULX Unloader window.


Offset Values

The fields in the Offset Values section display information for the offset from the punch head at the three track locations (or the laser head) as measured in the X and Y directions to the center of the first pair of suction cups.

Offset Values Information

X-Direction The offset from the turret station in the X direction.

Y-Direction (Outer Track) The offset from outer track stations in the Y direction. (Outer track stations are 300 through 399.)

Y-Direction (Center Track) The offset from the center track stations in the Y direction. (Center track stations are 200 through 299.)

Y-Direction (Inner Track) The offset from the inner track stations in the Y direction. (Inner track stations are 100 through 199.)

Y-Direction (Laser Head) For combination machines, the offset for the laser head in the Y direction (usually a negative value).

Unloader Frame

The fields in the Unloader Frame section display information for the size of the unloader frame that removes the parts.

Unloader Frame Information

Frame Width The X measurement or width of the gripper frame.

Frame Height The Y measurement or height of the gripper frame.

Suction Cup Diameter The diameter of the suction cups.

Grid Spacing The two fields following the label display the spacing of the suction cups in the X and Y directions respectively.

Grid Repetition The two fields following the label display the number of suction cups in the X direction and Y direction respectively.

Unloading Direction

The X-Axis (Line by Line) and Y-Axis (Line by Line) options in the Unloading Direction section determine the direction the Amada ULX Unloader should move when unloading grids of parts.

Unloading Direction Information

X-Axis (Line by Line) This option instructs the system to move the unloader in the X- axis before moving in the Y-Axis.

Y-Axis (Line by Line) This option instructs the system to move the unloader in the Y- axis before moving in the X-Axis.

Storage Table

The Storage Table section displays the parameters of the storage table that holds the parts after unloading.

Storage Table Information

Table Width The width or X dimension of the table.

Table Height The height or Y dimension of the table.

Number of Rows The number of rows available for storage on the table.

Number of Columns The number of columns available for storage on the table.

Part Size Limitation

The Part Size Limitation information is critical.

Part Size Limitation Information

Min. Part Ratio (X/Y) Type a ratio between the X dimension and Y dimension of the part that the gripper can handle during unloading. Divide the part's X by the Y, and then type the fraction that results. A part having a ratio larger than this number can be unloaded. This ratio ensures the weight of the part is supported when suction cups cover the part's surface.

Min. Part Size The minimum X and Y dimensions of the part the unloader can handle.

Max. Part Size The maximum X and Y dimensions of the part the unloader can handle.


Sheet Unloading Location

This section allows you to specify where the sheet should be unloaded.

Sheet Unloading Location Information

Same Storage Table As Part If you select this option, the unloader stores the sheet with the part.

Different Storage Table Than Part If you select this option, the unloader stores the sheet in a different storage table than the part.

Save the Machine File

 To save the changes you made to the machine file:

  1. Select Save As from the File menu, or click the Save As button in the Standard toolbar. The Save As dialog box appears.

  2. Select Machines (*.mac) from the Save as type: drop-down list.

  3. Type an appropriate name in the File name: text box.

  4. Click the Save button to save the machine file.

  5. Click the Close button to exit the dialog box.


Creating a Sheet with ULX Functions

Once you have loaded the correct machine file and ULX driver, and specified the correct values in the ULX Unloader window, you can add the actual ULX functions to the sheet. This involves placing the final hits/cuts and assigning the Bin IDs.

Note: Make sure to check the gripper information before you begin. Use the Info option on the ULX Unloader submenu to open the Unloading Gripper window.


Parts and Tool Assignments


To begin the process, create the parts you want to arrange on the sheet and assign tools to the patterns.


  1. See Chapter 8: Tool Assignment, in the CAD/CAM System manual, for more information regarding tool assignments for punching systems.

  2. See Chapter 11: Cut Sequence, in the CAD/CAM System manual, for information regarding tool assignments for cutting and combination systems.

Layout the Sheet

Use the options on the Sheet menu or Sheet toolbar to create the part layout. See Chapter 5: Sheet Layout, in the CAD/CAM System manual, for more information.

Final Hits and Cuts

Final Hits are the last hits (or cuts) on the part. The system uses these hits to break the part free from the sheet. You have two options: Place Final Hit/Cut and Delete Final Hit/Cut. If you choose punched patterns, you are defining the last hit. If you have a combination machine and select cut patterns, you are defining the last cut.


  1. Before placing final hits, you must assign tools to the last hit pattern on each part.

  2. When choosing the last cut for a combination system, you cannot choose a path having a start point or bridge microjoint. Technical support recommends that you use last hits instead of last cuts.

  3. A sequenced single hit cannot be the final hit until you first reset or remove the sequence.

Place Final Hit/Cut

   To place a final hit or cut:

  1. Select Place Final Hit/Cut from the ULX Unloader submenu, or click the Place Final Hit button in the ULX toolbar.

  2. Move into the work area and click a pattern (a line, arc or tool hit placed using Place Tool Hit) to assign the final tool hit or cut.

  3. Slide the mouse along the pattern to position the suction frame (the suction frame is represented as a rectangle) and suction cups over the part.

  4. Click the left mouse button to select the position, and then use the left mouse button to toggle the individual cups either on or off (active cups appear in a solid color; inactive cups appear as concentric outlines).

  5. When you have activated the suction cups you want to use, click the right mouse button.

Delete Final Hit/Cut

To remove a final hit or cut:


  1. Select Delete Final Hit/Cut from the ULX Unloader submenu, or click the Delete Final Hit button in the ULX toolbar.

Bin IDs

  1. Move into the work area and click each part from which you want to remove the final hit.

The system uses Bin IDs as cross-references, assigning each part a particular area on the storage table after it is broken out of the sheet. Your options include assigning and deleting bin identification numbers.

Note: If you do not assign bin identification numbers, the system prompts you for the Bin IDs when you unload the parts or part grids. For part grids, you can use this technique to unload the parts in different bins.

Assign Bin ID

   To assign bin identification numbers:

  1. If necessary, display the storage table and bin numbers. Make sure that Display Storage Table on the ULX Unloader submenu has a check mark, or click the Display Storage Table button in the ULX toolbar.

  2. Select Assign Bin ID from the ULX Unloader submenu, or click the Assign Bin ID button in the ULX toolbar.

  3. Move the crosshair over a part or part grid that requires a bin identification number and click the left mouse button. An outline of the part begins to follow the crosshair.

  4. Drag the part into the storage area over the desired bin and click the left mouse button. The part outline appears on the Bin ID.

The Bin ID number assigned to each part displays within its part boundaries. You can view these Bin ID numbers any time you select Delete Bin ID or Assign Bin ID.


Delete Bin ID

To remove bin identification numbers:

  1. Make sure Sheet view is active.

  2. Select Delete Bin ID from the ULX Unloader submenu, or click the Delete Bin ID button in the ULX toolbar.

  3. Move into the work area. The Bin IDs appear on each part or part grid having a bin identification assignment.

  4. Click each part or part grid from which you want to delete the Bin ID.


Sequencing the ULX Sheet

Once you have placed the final hits/cuts and assigned bin IDs to the parts, you are ready to sequence the ULX sheet. The Reset, Unload Part Grid, Unload Part, Unload Sheet, Delete, View, Reposition, Undo, Tab Punchout and Delete Tab options allow you to control the sequencing process.

Unload Part Grid

The Unload Part Grid command allows you to unload an entire grid of parts. If you have not yet punched bridge microjoints, this command sequences them and the last hit before unloading all the parts in the selected grid. If you want to control the sequencing order for the microjoint tabs, use the Tab Punchout command.

Note: You must assign the last hit before you can use this option.

To unload a part grid:

  1. Select Unload Part Grid from the ULX Unloader submenu, or click the Unload Part Grid button in the ULX toolbar.

  2. Move into the work area and click a part on the sheet belonging to the grid.

  3. If the parts have Bin IDs, the system displays a series of driver-related questions

    in the message window and unloads the parts. If the parts were not assigned Bin IDs, the system requests a bin identification number for each part in the grid. Type the Bin ID number and press <Enter>.

Unload Part

This command allows you to unload individual parts. The bridge microjoints and last hit are sequenced before the system unloads the part (See Unload Part Grid). Use the Tab Punchout command if you want to control the sequencing order for the microjoint tabs.
Note: You must assign the last hit before you can use this option.

To unload a part:

  1. Select Unload Part from the ULX Unloader submenu, or click the Unload Part button in the ULX toolbar.

  2. Move into the work area and click the part you want to unload.

  3. If the part has a Bin ID, the system displays a series of driver-related questions in the message window and unloads the part. If the part does not have a Bin ID, the system requests a bin identification number for the part. Type the Bin ID number and press <Enter>.

Tab Punchout

Use this option before unloading parts if you want more control over the sequencing order for bridge microjoints. You must place bridge microjoints on the part in Part view before you can use this option. Use Tab Punchout after completing your sequencing and just before unloading the part or part grid.

Note: If you choose not to use Tab Punchout to sequence microjoints, the Unload Part and Unload Part Grid options sequence the microjoints using the same order as when they were originally added to the part. The microjoints are sequenced just before the last hit is punched.
To use the Tab Punchout option:

  1. Select Tab Punchout from the ULX Unloader submenu, or click the Tab Punchout button in the ULX toolbar.

  2. Move the crosshair into the work area.

  3. Click the part with microjoints that you want to sequence.

  4. The pointer bounces between the bridge microjoints on the selected part. Click each microjoint you want to punch using the left mouse button in the order you want them punched. (The first microjoint you click is punched first; the second is punched second, and so on.)

  5. When you finish sequencing the punch outs for tabs on the first part, click the right mouse button so that you can continue onto the next part.

  6. Click the next part with microjoints that you want to sequence.

  7. Repeat these steps for each part on the sheet for which you want to control the sequencing of bridge microjoints.

Delete Tab

The Delete Tab option removes the tab sequencing you defined using the Tab Punchout command. To remove the tab sequencing:

  1. Select Delete Tab from the ULX Unloader submenu, or click the Delete Tab button in the ULX toolbar.

  2. Move the crosshair into the work area.

  3. Click the part with microjoints that you want to unsequence.

  4. The pointer bounces between the sequenced bridge microjoints on the selected part. Click each microjoint you want to unsequence using the left mouse button.

  5. Click the right mouse button when you want to unsequence microjoints on a different part.

  6. Click the next part with microjoints that you want to unsequence and repeat these steps.


Use the Undo command on the ULX Unloader submenu, or click the Undo button on the UXL toolbar, to reverse the last ULX sequencing command you selected.


To erase an unloading sequence for a part or part grid, select Delete from the ULX Unloader submenu, or click the Delete button in the ULX toolbar. Move into the work area and click the part or grid of parts. The sequence is removed from the part or part grid.


To see the ULX unloading sequence, select View from the ULX Unloader submenu, or click the View Sequence button on the ULX toolbar.
Note: Use the Viewing Speed command on the Options menu to control the redraw rate of the sequence.


Repositioning allows you to move the work area to punch or unload parts that are out of range. The repositioning function opens the clamps and moves them so you can complete the remainder of the sheet. You can also reposition in the reverse direction to return the clamps so the sheet does not hang off the edge of the table.

To reposition the clamps during a ULX unloading sequence, select
Reposition from the  ULX Unloader submenu, or click the Reposition button on the ULX toolbar. The prompt instructs you to move into the work area and set the reposition location. As you move the pointer across the sheet, the reposition line appears and prompt asks you to choose its location. The location of the reposition line relative to the lower left corner of the sheet indicates the direction and distance you want the clamps to move.

As you move closer to the left edge of the sheet, you will see a rectangle following the pointer. This represents the machine bed. The patterns that appear inside this rectangle are within range. When the patterns you want to sequence with gripper functions appear inside the rectangle, click the left mouse button. The repositioning line locks onto the sheet, and two solid blocks that represent the repositioning posts appear. The repositioning posts follow the pointer around the work area and a prompt instructs you to choose their placement. Make sure the posts do not fall inside a cutout on the part. When you are satisfied with the location, click the left mouse button. Use the other options to complete the gripper sequencing after repositioning.


The Reset option on the ULX Unloader submenu allows you to clear any previous ULX unloading sequences. To clear the unloading sequence, select Reset form the ULX Unloader submenu, or click the Reset button in the ULX toolbar. The system prompts you to confirm the action. Press <Y> for “Yes” to reset the sequence, or <N> for “No” to cancel.

Unload Sheet

When the sequencing is complete, use the Unload Sheet command on the ULX Unloader submenu, or click the Unload Sheet button on the ULX toolbar, to unload the sheet.  Note: You may want to review the Sheet Unloading Location options in the ULX Unloader window to determine whether the sheet unloads to the same storage area or to a different storage area. See ULX Unloader Window and Sheet Unloading Location.

Display Storage Table

Display Storage Table is a toggle. It either displays or hides the storage table when Sheet view is active. If you enable the option, the storage table displays if you have a ULX machine file loaded. To hide the display of the storage table, remove the check mark.

Saving the ULX Sheet

You should save your sheet frequently to prevent data loss during power outages or computer crashes. If you press the <F10> key while in Sheet view, the system saves your sheet under its assigned name in its default folder.

Note: If you have not yet named the sheet, pressing <F10> saves the sheet with the default name of NEW SHEET.

To save the sheet:

  1. Make sure you are in Sheet view. To save the sheet under a new name, select Save As from the File menu, or click the Save As button in the Standard toolbar. The Save As dialog box appears.

  2. If necessary, select Sheets (*.sht) from the Save as type: list. Type a name in the File name: text box. You need not add the filename extension; the system automatically adds the *.sht extension.

  3. Click the Save button to save the sheet. Click the Close button to exit the Save As dialog box.