Working with Reports

Understanding Data Variables


When you place a Data object in a template report, you are actually placing a variable field that references a corresponding field in one of the AP100US databases. For example, if you are creating a part report, then you will be placing variable fields that correspond to the fields in the part database. See Data Control Properties.

Part Report Variables   Understanding Table Variables
Sheet Report Variables Creating a New Report
Turret Tool List Report Variables   Opening an Existing Report
Machine Report Variables   Saving a Report
Bending Report Variables   Printing Reports
Stacking Report Variables    

Part Report Variables



Part Name

The file name of the part.

Total Number of Patterns

The total number of part patterns.

Part Size (Width)

The width of the part.

Part Size (Height)

The height of the part.

Part Size

The overall width and height of the part.

Assembly Name

The file name of the assembly in the nesting schedule.

Quantity Schedules for Nest

The part quantity that is to be nested in the nesting schedule.

Revision Number

The revision number.

Round Hole

The total number of round hole patterns on the part.

Radius Slot

The total number of radius slot patterns on the part.

Rectangle Hole

The total number of rectangular hole patterns on the part.


The total number of lines on the part. This value includes any construction lines.


The total number of arcs on the part.


The total number of obround slots on the part.

Group of Patterns

The total number of grouped patterns on the part.

Corner Notch

The total number of corner notches on the part.

V Notch

The total number of V-notch patterns on the part.

Pattern Line

The total number of pattern lines.

Pattern Grid

The total number of pattern grids.

Pattern Circle

The total number of pattern circles.

Pattern Arc

The total number of pattern arcs.

Center Rectangle

The total number of pattern Center Rectangles.

Single D

The total number of Single D patterns.

Double D

The total number of Double D patterns.


The total number of point patterns.

Rounded Corner Hole

The total number of rounded corner holes.

Triangle Hole

The total number of triangle holes.

Profile for Cutting Options

Still under development.


The total number of ellipses on the part.

Part Comments

The Comments for the current part. The variable corresponds to the Comments in the Part Info Dialog.

Part Customer

The Customer name for the current part. The variable corresponds to the Customer in the Part Info Dialog.

Part Number

The Part Number for the current part. The variable corresponds to the Part Number in the Part Info Dialog.

Part Programmer Name

The Part Number for the current part. The variable corresponds to the Programmer Name in the Part Info Dialog.

Part Path

The drive letter, path, file name and extension for the part. Example: "C:\AP100US\PARTS\PartName.prt".

Current Units

The current measurement unit for the part, Inch or Millimeter. The variable corresponds to the Current Units setting in the Default Values panel of the Preferences window.

WO Number

The work order number assigned to the job by the user or in the FabriTRAK system.

Router Number

The router number assigned to the job by the user or in the FabriTRAK system.

Estimated Run Time

The Estimated Run Time for the sheet.

Part Barcode

A scannable bar code identifying the part.

Default Rotation

Rotation value as saved with the part.

Average process Times for the Part

on a sheet

Shows average time needed to process this part on a sheet.

Hole List

Hole Type

Dim X

Dim Y

Dim R







Sheet Report Variables



Sheet Name

The file name of the sheet.

Sheet Size

The overall height and width of the sheet.

Sheet Thickness

The sheet or material thickness.

Distance from Left Edge

The distance of the part layout from the left edge of the sheet. The variable corresponds to the Auto Grid Information (To Left value) in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Distance from Top Edge

The distance of the part layout from the top edge of the sheet. The variable corresponds to the Auto Grid Information (To Top value) in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Distance from Right Edge

The distance of the part layout from the right edge of the sheet. The variable corresponds to the Auto Grid Information (To Right value) in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Distance from Bottom Edge

The distance of the part layout from the bottom edge of the sheet. The variable corresponds to the Auto Grid Information (To Bottom value) in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Clamp Height

The height of the clamp(s). The variable corresponds to the Clamp Height value in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Clamp Width

The width of the clamp(s). The variable corresponds to the Clamp Width value in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Total Parts on Sheet

The total number of parts on the sheet.

Material Name

The path and file name of the material file.

Material Group

The Material Group of the current sheet file. The variable corresponds to the Material Group in sheet info.

Material Type

The Material Type of the current sheet file. The variable corresponds to the Material Type in sheet info.

Number of Clamps Used

The number of work holders or clamps. The variable corresponds to the Num Clamp value in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Number of Repos

The total number of repositions that were used to process the part patterns.

Sheet Utilization (Area Used)

The actual area of sheet utilization, expressed as a percentage value. The variable corresponds to the Sheet Utilization: XX.XX% prompt that appears in the status bar.

Cutting Min OT X

The minimum overtravel of the cutting machine along the X-axis. The variable corresponds to the Min OT X value in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Cutting Min OT Y

The minimum overtravel of the cutting machine along the Y-axis. The variable corresponds to the Min OT Y value in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Cutting Max OT X

The maximum overtravel of the cutting machine along the X-axis. The variable corresponds to the Max OT X value in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Cutting Max OT Y

The maximum overtravel of the cutting machine along the Y-axis. The variable corresponds to the Max OT Y value in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Tools Used for the Sheet

The total number of different tools assigned to the part or sheet patterns.

Machine File

The machine file name for the current sheet file.

SDD Server Name

The Name of the SDD Server which the current sheet file loaded from.

SDD File Location

The SDD File Location.

SDD Material Name

The Material Name of the current sheet in SDD.

SDD Process Time

The SDD Process Time.

Laser Material Name

The Laser Material Name of the current sheet file. This option will be available when there is a condition file loaded in the AP100US system. The variable corresponds to the Laser Material Name in sheet info.

SDD Machine Name

The SDD Machine Name, which the user should input when saving the sheet to SDD,

Sheet Comments

The Sheet Comments user input for the current sheet. The variable corresponds to the Comments in sheet info.

Sheet Customer

The Sheet customer user input for current sheet. The variable corresponds to the Customer in sheet info.

Punch Time

The total Punching time for the current sheet. The variable corresponds to the punch tme in the Runtime Details dialog.

Tool Change Time

The total Tool Change Time for the current sheet. The variable corresponds to the punch tme in the Runtime Details dialog.

Reposition Time

The total Reposition Time for the current sheet. The variable corresponds to the Reposition Time in the Runtime Details dialog.

Cut Path Time

The time to process all the cutting in the current sheet. The variable corresponds to the Cut Path Time in the Runtime Details dialog.

Move Time

The total Rapid Move Time of the current sheet. The variable corresponds to the Move Time in the Runtime Details dialog.

Pierce Time

The total Pierce Time of the current sheet. The variable corresponds to the Pierce Time in the Runtime Details dialog.

Auxiliary Time

The total value for all the other times (such as preparation time for processing the current sheet) is the Auxiliary Time. The variable corresponds to the Auxiliary Time in the Runtime Details dialog.

Total Time

The Total Time for all values for the current sheet. The variable corresponds to the Total Time in the Runtime Details dialog.

Current Units


The current measurement unit for the sheet, Inch or Millimeter. The variable corresponds to the Current Units setting in the Default Values panel of the Preferences window.


Customer name here.

Sheet Programmer Name

Name of person who created the sheet. This is carried over from the name entered in the Sheet Info window.

Inventory File

Info on the inventory of parts.

Material File

Info on material used.

Material Qty Available

Info on quantity of material used.

Estimated sheet Run Time


Estimate of sheet run time.


Any additional comments.



 Turret Tool List Report Variables



Sta. #

Number of the station in the turret.


Size of the station.


Type of the station.


Tool in the station.


Angle of the station.

Key Angle

Key angle of the station.

Min Overtravel

Minimum overtravel allowed.

Max Overtravel

Maximum overtravel allowed.

No Punch Zone

No punches allowed in the zone.

Tool Hits

Number of tool hits.

Punch Condition

Conditions of the punch.

Die Clearance

Clearance of the die.

Tool Time

Time the tool has been in service.

Tool Comment

Attach a comment to the tool.

Station color

The color assigned to a station.

Guide Size

The size of the guide.


Type of tool.

Y Offset to Hold Down

The value of the Y Offset to hold down.


Machine Report Variables



Machine Type

The machine type: Punching, Cutting or Combination. The variable corresponds to the value that appears in the Machine Type field in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Machine File

The name of the machine (*.mac) file.

Driver File

The name of the machine driver (*.dri) file.

NC Path

The drive and folder path where the NC files are stored.


The filename extension of the NC file. The variable corresponds to the extension you have specified for NC files in the Ext text box in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Num Station

The number of tool stations in the turret. The variable corresponds to the value in the Num Station field in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Num PDC Storage

The number of tool stations in the Punch Die Changer device. The variable corresponds to the value in the Num PDC Storage field in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Tab X (Table X)

The horizontal size of the table. The variable corresponds to the value in the Table X field in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Tab Y (Table Y)

The vertical size of the table. The variable corresponds to the value in the Table Y field in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Min Clamp Pos

The minimum position along the X-axis that a clamp can be placed. The variable corresponds to the value in the Min Clamp Pos field in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Max Clamp Pos

The maximum position along the X-axis that a clamp can be placed. The variable corresponds to the value in the Max Clamp Pos field in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Min Clamp Dist

The minimum allowable distance between the work clamps or holders. The variable corresponds to the value in the Min Clamp Dist field in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Num Clamps

The total number of work holders or clamps. The variable corresponds to the value in the Num Clamp field in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

No Cut Zone X

The X coordinate of the no-cut zone. The variable corresponds to the value in the No Cut Zone X field in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

No Cut Zone Y

The Y coordinate of the no-cut zone. The variable corresponds to the value in the No Cut Zone Y field in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Clamp Width

The width of the clamp(s). The variable corresponds to the Clamp Width value in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Clamp Height

The height of the clamp(s). The variable corresponds to the Clamp Height value in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Clamp Ref Loc

The user-defined reference location for a station in a clamp-type or rack-mount turret configuration. The variable corresponds to the Clamp Ref Loc value in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Clamp Interval

The user-defined interval value for the distance between tool slot positions in a rack-mount turret configuration. The variable corresponds to the Clamp Interval value in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Min OT X

The minimum overtravel of the machine along the X-axis. The variable corresponds to the Min OT X value in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Min OT Y

The minimum overtravel of the machine along the Y-axis. The variable corresponds to the Min OT Y value in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Max OT X

The maximum overtravel of the machine along the X-axis. The variable corresponds to the Max OT X value in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Max OT Y

The maximum overtravel of the machine along the Y-axis. The variable corresponds to the Max OT Y value in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Min Reposition

The minimum reposition amount used during sequencing. The variable corresponds to the Min Reposition value in the Repo Info panel of the Machine Setting window.

Max Reposition

The maximum reposition amount used during sequencing. The variable corresponds to the Max Reposition value in the Repo Info panel of the Machine Setting window.

Min Y for Repo

The minimum location value that the hold-downs can be located in the Y direction. The variable corresponds to the Min "Y" for Repo value in the Repo Info panel of the Machine Setting window.

Min Clamp Loc

The minimum clamp location. The variable corresponds to the Min Clamp Loc value in the Repo Info panel of the Machine Setting window.

Max X Travel

The maximum distance the machine is to process the pattern in the X direction before repositioning. The variable corresponds to the Max "X" Travel value in the Repo Info panel of the Machine Setting window.

Hold Down Spacing

The spacing between the hold-downs. The variable corresponds to the Hold Down Spacing settings in the Repo Info panel of the Machine Setting window.

Hold Down Size

The size of the hold-downs. The variable corresponds to the Hold Down Size settings in the Repo Info panel of the Machine Setting window.

Fixed Hold Down X Location

The X location of the fixed hold-down. The variable corresponds to the Fixed Hold Down Location settings in the Repo Info panel of the Machine Setting window.

Fixed Hold Down Y Location

The Y location of the fixed hold-down. The variable corresponds to the Fixed Hold Down Location settings in the Repo Info panel of the Machine Setting window.

Distance to Left Edge

The distance of the part layout from the left edge of the sheet. The variable corresponds to the Auto Grid Information (To Left value) in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Distance to Right Edge

The distance of the part layout from the top edge of the sheet. The variable corresponds to the Auto Grid Information (To Top value) in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Distance to Top Edge

The distance of the part layout from the right edge of the sheet. The variable corresponds to the Auto Grid Information (To Right value) in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Distance to Bottom Edge

The distance of the part layout from the bottom edge of the sheet. The variable corresponds to the Auto Grid Information (To Bottom value) in the Description panel of the Machine Setting window.

Connect Tol (Nesting)

This variable corresponds to the Connect Tol value in the Nesting Info panel of the Machine Setting window.

Remnant Size (Nesting)

This variable corresponds to the Remnant Size value in the Nesting Info panel of the Machine Setting window.

Remnant Offset (Nesting)

This variable corresponds to the Remnant Offset value in the Nesting Info panel of the Machine Setting window.

Create Remnant (Nesting)

This variable corresponds to the Create Remnant option in the Nesting Info panel of the Machine Setting window.

Split Sheets (Nesting)

This variable corresponds to the Split Sheets option in the Nesting Info panel of the Machine Setting window.

Number of Pieces (Nesting)

This variable corresponds to the Number of Pieces value in the Nesting Info panel of the Machine Setting window.

Nest Around Clamp Dead Zone (Nesting)

This variable corresponds to the Nest Around Clamp Dead Zone option in the Nesting Info panel of the Machine Setting window.

Nest Parts Inside Cutouts (Nesting)

This variable corresponds to the Nest Parts Inside Cutouts option in the Nesting Info panel of the Machine Setting window.

Include Features/Leads (Nesting)

This variable corresponds to the Include Features/Leads option in the Nesting Info panel of the Machine Setting window.

No Grid Parts (Nesting)

This variable corresponds to the No Grid Parts option in the Nesting Info panel of the Machine Setting window.

Use Common Punching (Nesting)

This variable corresponds to the Use Common Punching option in the Nesting Info panel of the Machine Setting window.

Distance Between Tools/Beam (Nesting)

This variable corresponds to the Distance Between Tools/Beam value in the Nesting Info panel of the Machine Setting window.

Create Skeleton after Nesting (Nesting)

This variable corresponds to the Create Skeleton after Nesting option in the Nesting Info panel of the Machine Setting window.

Use Skeleton when Nesting (Nesting)

This variable corresponds to the Use Skeleton when Nesting option in the Nesting Info panel of the Machine Setting window.

Nesting Type (Nesting)

This variable corresponds to the With Sequence and Code Generation and Without Sequence and Code Generation options in the Nesting Info panel of the Machine Setting window.

Nesting Report Format (Nesting)

This variable will display either XML or Text, depending on the Nesting Report Format setting in the Nesting Info panel of the Machine Setting window.

Number of Work Chutes

The number of trap doors or work chutes. The variable corresponds to the value that appears in the Number of Work Chutes field in the Work Chute panel of the Machine Setting window.

Location X & Y From

The relative location of the trap door(s) or work chute(s) from the Machine Head or Machine Zero. The variable corresponds to the selected Location X & Y From option in the Work Chute panel of the Machine Setting window.

Drop Side

The selected drop side of the work chute or trap door. The variable corresponds to the selected Drop Side option in the Work Chute panel of the Machine Setting window.

Drop Piece Info

This variable corresponds to the selected Drop Piece Info option in the Work Chute panel of the Machine Setting window.

Min Drop Size X

This variable corresponds to the value that was specified for the minimum X drop-size limit.

Min Drop Size Y

This variable corresponds to the value that was specified for the minimum Y drop-size limit.

Max Drop Size X

This variable corresponds to the value that was specified for the maximum X drop- size limit.

Max Drop Size Y

This variable corresponds to the value that was specified for the maximum Y drop-size limit.

Head Movement

This variable corresponds to the selected Head Movement option in the Work Chute panel of the Machine Setting window.

Use Subroutines

This variable corresponds to the Use Subroutines option in the Sequence Info panel of the Machine Setting window.

Macro On

This variable corresponds to the Macro On option in the Sequence Info panel of the Machine Setting window.

Common Angle (Punching)

This variable corresponds to the Common Angle option in the Sequence Info panel of the Machine Setting window.

Dodge Clamps (Punching)

This variable corresponds to the Dodge Clamps option and value in the Sequence Info panel of the Machine Setting window.

Macro Memory (Punching)

This variable corresponds to the Macro Memory option and value in the Sequence Info panel of the Machine Setting window.

Location X (Work Chute 1)

The X location of Work Chute 1. The variable corresponds to the Location X value in the Work Chute panel of the Machine Setting window.

Location Y (Work Chute 1)

The Y location of Work Chute 1. The variable corresponds to the Location Y value in the Work Chute panel of the Machine Setting window.

Width (Work Chute 1)

The width of Work Chute 1. The variable corresponds to the Width value in the Work Chute panel of the Machine Setting window.

Height (Work Chute 1)

The height of Work Chute 1. The variable corresponds to the Height value in the Work Chute panel of the Machine Setting window.

Location X (Work Chute 2)

The X location of Work Chute 2. The variable corresponds to the Location X value in the Work Chute panel of the Machine Setting window.

Location Y (Work Chute 2)

The Y location of Work Chute 2. The variable corresponds to the Location Y value in the Work Chute panel of the Machine Setting window.

Width (Work Chute 2)

The width of Work Chute 2. The variable corresponds to the Width value in the Work Chute panel of the Machine Setting window.

Height (Work Chute 2)

The height of Work Chute 2. The variable corresponds to the Height value in the Work Chute panel of the Machine Setting window.

Condition File

The condition and folder path where the condition files are stored

Machine Setup

The folder path where the setup sheet files are generated.

Machine Ext

The extension of the file name for the Machine Setup.

Current Units

The current measurement unit for the sheet, Inch or Millimeter. The variable corresponds to the Current Units setting in the Default Values panel of the Preferences window.

Bending Report Variables



Flange Length

The length of the flange.

Bending Angle

The angle of the bend.

Bending Radius

The radius of the bend.

Bending Deduction

The bend deduction.

Bending Order

Order of the bend.


Type of bend.

Bending Deduction

The Bend Deduction.


Shows the V Width.


Enter any comments.

Stacking Report List Variables



Sheet Name

The name as saved with the sheet.

Sheet Barcode

Outputs the barcode of the sheet.

Machine name

Outputs the name of the machine.

Machine Barcode

Outputs the barcode of the machine.

Total Parts on Sheet

Total number of parts on the sheet.

Part No.

Outputs the number of the part.

Unfold Size

Size of the unfold.

Layout Base Point

Base point of the layout.

Part Barcode

Scannable barcode.

Material Type

The type of material used.

Number of Repos

The amount of repositions.

Sheet Layout

The overall sheet layout.






Understanding Table Variables


When you place a Table object in a template report, you are actually placing a series of variable fields that reference the corresponding fields in the AP100US System databases.




Print the station info of the all the stations in the turret.


Station number of the station.


Station Size of the station.


Station Type of the station, AUTO, MANUAL, KEYED, NOTKEYED, etc.


The tool name of the tool occupied in this station. If there is no tool in this station, the system will display NONE.


The Angle of the tool which is placed in the station.

Key Angle

The Key Angles of this station.

Min Overtravel

Min Overtravel in both X and Y directions of this station.

Max Overtravel

Max Overtravel in both X and Y directions of this station.

No Punch Zone

The No Punch Zone of this station.

Tool Hits

The Tool Hits of the tool in this station under the current sheet.

Punch Condition

Lists the used punch condition names of this station.

Die Clearance

The current used Die Clearance of this station.

Tool Time

The process time of the tool in this station under the current sheet.

Punch Condition

Lists the used tool and used punch condition in the table, indicating whether the punch condition is used in the current tool.

Station Color

Shows the color chosen for the stations.

Guide Size

Shows the size of the guides.


Tool Type is shown here.

Y Offset to Hold Down

Shows the Y offset distance value. (The tool station comes in and uses guide pressure to hold the material for reposition.)





Lists the Bending Info.

Flange Length

The Flange Length of the bend.

Bending Angle

The Bending Angle of the bend.

Bending Radius

The Bending Radius of the bend.

Bending Dedution

The Bending Deduction of the bend.

Bending Order

The Bending Order of the bend.


The Bend Direction of the bend.

Clamp Info

Lists the Clamp Info.

Clamp Number

The index number of the clamp.

Location X

The Location X of the clamp.

Location Y

The Location Y of the clamp.



Part Number

The index number of the parts on the sheet.

Part Name

The part names of the parts on the sheet. The variable corresponds to the Part Number in part Info.


The quantity of this part on the sheet.

Part Size

The Size of the part.


With this option, the user can customize a unique title and content in this table, entering the data in the Comments field in part info. For example, if [Title1] Data1 is input in the Comments field, the system will create a row in the table with the title Title1 and the content Data1. If you want to create another row, just create another line in the Comments field and input the title and content with the above format again.

Part Comments

Comments for the part. The variable corresponds to the Comments in part Info.

WO Number

The work order number assigned to the job by the user or in the FabriTRAK system.

Router Number

The router number assigned to the job by the user or in the FabriTRAK system.

Estimated Run Time

The Estimated Run Time for the sheet.




The index number of the holes of the current selected part.


The Hole type of this hole, Round, Obround, Polygon, etc.

Dim X

The dimension in X direction of the hole.

Dim Y

The dimension in Y direction of the hole.

Dim Z

The radius size of the hole.


The Quantity of the holes on the part.


The Coordinate of the hole.

SDD Cut Condition

Lists the SDD Cut Condition info.


The name of the parameters for each condition, for example, Speed, Output, Frequency, Duty, etc.


The condition type name, E1.


The condition type name, E2.


The condition type name, E3.


The condition type name, E4.


The condition type name, E5.


The condition type name, E6.


The condition type name, E7.


The condition type name, E8.


The condition type name, E9.


The condition type name.


The condition type name, E10.

Creating a New Report


To create a new report select New from the File menu, click the New button on the Standard toolbar, press <Ctrl> + <N> or click the folder icon and browse to the Template Report folder in the AP100US installed folder.

The Choose Report Type window will appear. There are six report types: Part Report, Sheet Report, Turret Tool List Report, Machine Report, Bending Report and Stacking Report. Select the desired report type and then click OK.




Report Type


Part Report

Opens a default report template with part report variables. See Part Report Variables.

Sheet Report

Opens a default report template with sheet report variables. See Sheet Report Variables.

Turret Tool List Report

Opens a default report template with turret tool list report variables. See Turret Tool List Report Variables.

Machine Report

Opens a default report template with machine report variables. See Machine Report Variables.

Bending Report

Opens a default report template with bending report variables. See Bending Report Variables.

Stacking Report

Opens a default report template with Stacking report variables. See Stacking Report Variables.

Opening an Existing Report


To open an existing report that you previously saved, select Open from the File menu, click the Open button on the Standard toolbar, or press <Ctrl> + <O>.

The Open window appears and will list the reports in the \TemplateReport folder by default. Select the report of your choice and click Open. The report will appear in the work area.


Saving a Report

Save As


When you launch the Template Report Design module, or create a new report, the system opens the default.rep report template. Therefore, use the Save As¡­ command to save the default template file under a new name first. The current file name is highlighted (selected) in the File name: text box when the Save As ¨C Template Report File dialog box appears. Type a new name and then click Save.





Use the Save command to save the modified report under the same name. The system will prompt you to confirm. Click Yes to save the changes or click No to cancel.





Printing Reports
You must preview and print your reports from within the AP100US System. The Template Report Design module extracts the data for the selected report from the active part or sheet. You must also make sure that you have loaded the correct machine file, turret setup, material file or bending processes if you have included variables in the report that extract data from the specific fields in the database records of the AP100US System.
image200.jpg To print a template report, select Print Template Style from the AP100US System Main Menu. The Printing Options window will appear as shown below.
Printing Options Window
The list in the Printing Options window will contain the template reports that you created and saved using the Template Report Design module.

print ops.jpg

image202.gif Click the Print button. A standard Print Setup dialog box will appear. Check the settings and then click OK. The report is sent to the printer and you return to the Printing Options window. Click Cancel to close the Printing Options window.


A default Machine Report