Single Part Sequence

The Single Part Sequence feature allows a subroutine for a single part to be generated. Place duplicates of the part at random locations on the sheet and generate a program that contains subroutines. A subroutine call line in the NC code will call the subroutine and replicate it at the specified coordinates.


1.       Your machine driver must support the use of subroutines.

2.       You must enable Use Subroutines and Macro On in the Sequence Info folder of the Machine Settings window.

3.       You must apply the cut sequence to the part while in Part view before you switch to Sheet view. The system stores the cut sequence for the part and incorporates the subroutine into the sheet sequence.

4.       You can select Auto Cut Sequence from the Cut Sequence menu or use the Add, Insert and Remove options to manually sequence the part.

5.       The duplicated parts can occupy random locations on the sheet, but they must have the same relative horizontal and vertical orientations as that of the original.


To generate a single part subroutine:

1.       Make sure Part view is active. If necessary, select Part from the View menu.

2.       Load the part, machine file and material file. The machine file must have a machine driver that supports the use of subroutines linked with it.

3.       Select Machine Info from the Machine menu. The Machine Settings window appears. Click the Sequence Info tab. Make sure Use Subroutines and Macro On are enabled. Click OK to close the window.

4.       Select Auto Cut Sequence from the Cut Sequence menu or use the Add, Insert and Remove options to sequence the part.

5.       Select Sheet from the View menu.

a.       Use the Move option on the Sheet menu to relocate the original part on the sheet.

b.       Use the Copy option on the Sheet menu to duplicate the part to other locations on the sheet.

c.       You can also use Grid to replicate the part.

6.       You can use either Auto Cut Sequence or Add from the Cut Sequence menu. If you use Auto Cut Sequence, the system sequences the sheet automatically. If you use Add, the crosshairs bounce amongst the part when you move into the work area. Click each part you want to add to the sequence.

7.       Select Generate NC from the File menu. Choose NC Editor in the Select NC Code Module window and then click Next >.The Save As dialog box open. Type a name in the File name: field and press <Enter>.

8.       The system generates the code. Respond to the system prompts as necessary until the code generation is complete.

9.       Examine the NC code in the text editor. You will find subroutines that are called by subroutine call lines. The subroutine call commands will call the subroutine and replicate it at the specified coordinates.