SDD Open Parts

Select SDD Open Parts to load a SDD part from the Data Manager into AP100US.



Opening Target

Shows the folder that is currently open.

Pattern Type

Select which data patterns will display (All Data, Diagram/NC Data, Allow Diagram Data and No NC Data).


Selecting Search will display the Find Data window, which allows search parameters to be set.


Toggling the Switch option will enable/disable the thumbnail preview.

Left Pane (Target Folder Tree)

The left pane displays the current directory in a Windows Explorer-type structure.

Right Pane

(Parts list)

The right pane displays information about the part, such as Parts No., Parts Comment, Material Name, Thickness, Unfold Size X, Unfold Size Y, Data Create Date and Data Refresh. Click the column header to sort in ascending or descending order.

The  symbol signifies a part with a bend model file; the  symbol indicates an unfolded drawing; the  represents sheet data attached to the part. All are viewable in the Data Manager.

Thumbnail View

A thumbnail image of the selected part displays here. Choose a 3D or Unfolded diagram.

Parts No.

The part number or file name that the part was saved with.

Parts Comment

The comment that was saved with the part.

Keep Find Condition

Retains the search criteria in the Parts No. field. Now select any folder in the Left Pane (Target Folder Tree) and it will be searched according to these criteria.


Opens the selected file.


Closes the window.