Pro/EngineerĀ® Integration

This section explains the process of importing Pro/Engineer files into the CAD/CAM System using OLE integration. The procedure is outlined below. The most important step is to convert the three-dimensional model to a flat layout within Pro/E before attempting the importation process.

To transfer a Pro/Engineer part into the CAD/CAM System:

1.       Both the CAD/CAM System and Pro/E must be running.

2.       Switch to Pro/E.

3.       Load the sheet metal part into Pro/E.

4.       Make sure the Sheet Metal application module is active. Open the Application menu and make sure Sheet metal is selected.

5.       Select Feature in the Menu Manager. The menu will expand.

6.       Select Create to expand the menu.

7.       Select Unbend under SHEET METAL.

8.       Select Done under UNBEND OPT.

9.       Click the face of the reference flange.

10.   Select Unbend All in the Menu Manager and then click Done.

11.   Click OK in the (Regular Type) window. Pro/E will unfold the part.

12.   Switch to CAD/CAM. Click the OLE button in the Standard toolbar. The Pro/Engineer Importer window will appear. Wait for CAD/CAM to process the geometry. The Pro/E part will appear in the work area. You can then save the part in the CAD/CAM System.