PDC / ATC Turret Setup

The turret setup consists of the number of stations that are in the actual machine. The functionality of the turret remains the same. Click the List button to access the Turret window.

Note: These instructions also apply to the ATC Storage when an Amada Acies machine is in use.



The only difference is that the tools that are loaded into the turret are retrieved from the PDC Storage. The tools must be in the PDC Storage before they can be placed in the turret. When you click the Add button in the Turret window, the system will call the tools that are located in the PDC Storage. The Turret window will expand and list the tools you added to the PDC Storage.



The window lists the PDC station number for the tool, size, angle in the PDC, and the die clearance of the die loaded in the PDC for the tool. The list of tools that appears is all of the tools in the PDC storage. The information from the PDC storage is transferred to the turret setup and is used when the program is generated.



Note: When you manually remove a tool from the Turret, the system returns that tool to the PDC storage in the station it was previously assigned.