Right Angle Shearing Manual

What is Right Angle Shearing?

The Right Angle Shearing module is an optional software package that enhances the functionality of the CAD/CAM System. If your machine driver supports right angle shearing on right angle shearing machines, or a machine with a right angle shear, then you will want to review the information presented in this manual.

The Shearing option is located on the Modules menu. To access the options on the Shearing submenu, you must first open the Modules menu, and then select the option (using either the mouse or keyboard) to list the commands.

To ensure the options on the Shearing submenu are active when you begin your session, the following conditions must be in effect:

1. Your machine driver must support shearing functions.

  1. Sheet view must be active. You cannot use the shearing options if Part view is active.

  2. If the Info option is active, but the remaining options are disabled, you must first use the Info option to specify the right angle shear information.


Quick Start Guide

The Quick Start Guide summarizes the shearing process. Review this outline of the Shearing features. For commands or tasks you do not fully understand, reference the appropriate section.

Start Right Angle Shearing

To prepare for Right Angle Shearing, launch the CAD/CAM System. Select Sheet from the View menu. Sheet view must be active before you can use any of the options on the Shearing submenu.

Load the Machine File

Select Open from the File menu, or click the Open File button in the Standard toolbar. When the Open File dialog box appears, select Machines (*.mac) from the Files of type: drop-down list. The system lists the machine files stored in the \Turrets directory by default. If necessary, use the Look in: drop-down list to navigate the hierarchical folder structure. Scroll through the file list window and click the name of the machine file. Click Open to load the machine file. If necessary, edit or load a material file. Click Close to exit the Open File dialog box.

Load the Machine Driver

Select Info from the Machine menu to open the Machine Setup window. Click the Driver File button. The Open dialog box displays the machine drivers stored in the \Machine directory by default. If necessary, use the Look in: drop-down list to navigate the hierarchical folder structure. Scroll through the file list window and click the name of the driver file. If necessary, edit or load a material file. Close the Machine Setup window.


Specify the Right Angle Shear Information

Open the Modules menu. Select Info from the Shearing submenu to open the Right Angle Shear Information window. Specify the Shearing Zones, Maximum Sizes, Offset From Punch Center, Overcuts, Shearing Direction, Clamp Safety Zones, Clamp Positions and Bin ID data.

Create the Right Angle Shearing Sheet

       Load the parts on the sheet and grid them if necessary. Assign the tools to the patterns. Assign the Bin IDs.

Use the Shearing Options

Use the options on the Shearing submenu to define the shearing sequence.

Save the Shearing Sheet

       Select Save As from the File menu, or click the Save As button in the Standard toolbar to open the Save As dialog box. Select Sheets (*.sht) from the Save as type: drop-down list. Type an appropriate name in the File name: text box. Click the Save button to save the Shearing sheet. Click Close to exit the dialog box.


The basic procedure for using right angle shearing includes:



To prepare your system to use the shearing features:

Load the Machine File

A machine file contains the physical parameters of a machine. You must load the correct machine file before you can define a sheet having shearing functions. Machine files have the filename extension of *.mac, and are stored in the \Turrets directory by default.
To load the machine file:

  1. Select Open from the File menu, or click the Open File button in the Standard toolbar. The Open File dialog box appears.

  2. Click the Files of type: arrow and select Machines (*.mac) from the drop-down list.

  3. If necessary, use the Look in: list to navigate the hierarchical folder structure.

  4. Scroll through the file list window and click the name of the machine file you want

    to load.


  6. Click Open to load the machine file, and then click Close to exit the dialog box.


Load the Machine Driver

The next step involves checking the machine driver, and if necessary, selecting the correct driver that supports shearing functions. Your machine driver must support shearing. Please contact your CAD/CAM System representative for more information on custom drivers.

  1. Select Info from the Machine menu to open the Machine Setup window. The Setup Values page displays by default.

  2. Click the Driver File  button in Machine Driver section. When the Open dialog box appears, the name of the current driver displays in the File name: text box.

  3. If the driver is correct, then click the Close button to exit the Open dialog box. To load an alternate driver, navigate through the file list and click the name of the driver you want to load.

  4. Click the Open button to load the driver. You may be prompted to create or load a material file. See the Material Files section in Chapter 7: Machine Files of the CAD/CAM System manual for more information.

  5. Click Save in the Machine Setup window.


Right Angle Shear Information Window

You must specify the right angle shear information before you can use any of the options. If this information already exists in the machine driver, then you only need to examine the values to ensure they are correct. If necessary, you can view and edit the values using the Right Angle Shear Information window.

To display the Right Angle Shear Information window:

  1. Make sure Sheet view is active. If necessary, select Sheet from the View menu.

  2. Open the Modules menu, and highlight (select) Shearing to open its submenu.

  3. Select Info from the Shearing submenu, or click the Info button in the Shearing toolbar. When the Right Angle Shear Information window opens, the contents of the X Minimum text box in the Shearing Zones section are selected by default.

  4. Type the values in the text boxes. You can navigate the text box fields within the window using a combination of the <Tab> and <Shift> keys. Press <Tab> to move to the next field, or <Shift> + <Tab> to select the contents of the previous field.

  5. When the information appears correct, click the OK button to save the changes and to exit the Right Angle Shear Information window.

Shearing Zones

The shearing zone is the area that your machine driver can shear. The text boxes in this section allow you to specify the minimum and maximum X and Y values for the shearing zone. The CAD/CAM System measures these values from the lower left sheet corner.

Shearing Zones Values

Minimum (X and Y)

These fields allow you to specify the X and Y values for the minimum shearing boundary. Type the value that represents the furthest left position for shearing in the X text box, and the value representing the lowest
position available for shearing in the Y text box.

Maximum (X and Y)

These fields allow you to specify the X and Y values for the maximum shearing boundary. Type the value that represents the furthest right position available for shearing in the X text box, and the value representing the highest position for shearing in the Y text box.

Maximum Sizes

This section allows you to specify the maximum sizes for parts,
remaining scraps and the last piece.

Maximum Sizes Values


Part (X and Y)

Type the maximum size for the largest part your machine can shear in the X and Y fields following the label.


Scrap (X and Y)

Type the maximum size for the remaining scrap in the X and Y fields following the label.


Last Piece (X and Y)

Type the maximum size for the last piece in the X and Y fields following the label.

Offset From Punch Center

Type the X and Y coordinates for the shear blade's offset from the punch center in these text boxes. The distance is measured from the punch head to the shear blade. (The punch head is considered “0, 0”.) You must consult your machine's user guide or manual for this information.


The overcut is the amount you want the blade to overlap hits when multiple hits are  required to remove the material. (This is similar to “nibbling” in punching.) You must consult your machine's user guide or manual for this information.

Shearing Direction

The options in this section allow you to specify whether shearing should proceed from left to right or right to left.
 to shear from left to right.

Clamp Safety Zones

 to shear from right to left.

You use this section to specify the safety zone required to the left of left-hand clamp, to the right of the right-hand clamp and above the tops of the clamps.  Note: The shear cannot cut between clamps. It can only shear to the right or left side of the clamps. The system moves the clamps
as needed when you use automatic shearing.

Clamp Safety Zones Values




Type the amount of space required as a safety zone on the left side of the far left clamp.

Type the amount of space required as a safety zone on the right side of the far right clamp.

Type the amount of space required above the clamps.


Clamp Positions

Use these settings to specify the positions for clamps during right
angle shearing.

Clamp Positions Values


Type the minimum clamp position (as measured from the bottom left corner of the sheet).


Type the maximum clamp position (as measured from the bottom left corner of the sheet).

Min. Dist.

Type the minimum distance between the clamps.

Bin Information

Bins represent the destinations of the parts after shearing.

  1. You cannot assign parts to bins until you specify the number of bins.

  2. If you specify a value of zero in the Number of Bins text box, you cannot use the Assign Bin IDs option.

Bin Information

Number of Bins

Type the number of bins used for shearing.

Default Bin ID for Part

Type the bin number you want to use for parts that are not assigned to any other bin.

Default Bin ID for Scrap

Type the bin number for the bin you want to use for scrap.

Blade Size

The Shear Blade Size X and Shear Blade Size Y text boxes contain the X and Y dimensions for the size of your machine's shearing blade. You must consult your machine's user guide or manual to obtain these values.

Shear Blade Size X

The X dimension of the machine's shearing blade. The orientation is dependent on the sheet as it
appears within the program window. The X dimension is the measurement from left to right.

Shear Blade Size Y

The Y dimension of the machine's shearing blade. The orientation is dependent on the sheet as it
appears within the program window. The Y dimension is the measurement from bottom to top.

Minimum Y Reposition

This field contains the value for the lowest position that can be sheared when repositioning is active.

Growth Compensation

The value you enter in this field allows you to compensate for the amount the shear stretches the
metal. You must rely on your own experience with the materials and machines to arrive at the correct value. Some shops use 0.005” as a baseline and adjust the value as needed for various materials and machines. You must experiment with this setting to determine how it affects the other machine settings. Grids are often affected by this setting.



Destroy Last Piece

For auto-shearing, this option indicates whether the last piece of scrap should be sheared down to a manageable size. The option ensures that the last piece is smaller than the maximum scrap size.

Allow Reposition

To destroy the last piece, make sure a check mark is in the check box. If you want the last piece to remain in whatever size naturally occurs, remove the check mark from the check box.

This option indicates whether your machine is capable of repositioning the sheet. If a check mark appears in the check box, your machine allows repositioning. If the option is disabled, then your machine does not allow repositioning.
Note: The system examines the machine driver to determine whether repositioning is allowed. However, to actually use repositioning, you must place a check mark in the All Reposition check box. You must also select the Auto Repo or Move Clamps option on the Shearing menu until a check mark appears next to the option.

Independent Blades

This option indicates whether the machine's blades can function independently. The Salvagnini is an example of this type of machine. If the machine's blades function independently, make sure to place a check mark in the check box. If the machine's blades work simultaneously, remove the check mark from the check box.

Bin IDs

Bins hold your parts. You must specify the number of bins your machine uses and an identification number for each bin. You must then assign a part or parts to a particular bin. You use the Assign Bin ID option for this purpose.  Note: Before you attempt to assign the parts to the bins, make sure to complete your bin information setup. Select Info from the  Shearing submenu and enter a value in the  Number of Bins text box. You will also want to enter the setup values for Default Bin ID for Part  and Default Bin ID for Scrap.

Assign Bin IDs

To begin the process, select Assign Bin IDs from the Shearing submenu, or click the Assign Bin IDs button in the Shearing toolbar. The Bin Assignment window is split into bin number and part list panes. The bin numbers available for your machine appear in the pane on the left; the parts are listed in the pane on the right. See Bin Number and Bin ID. See also Part Name and Bin ID.

Bin Number and Bin ID

To assign an ID number for each bin, double-click any line in the left pane of the Bin Assignment window. The Bin# window appears in the lower left corner of the Bin Assignment window. Type a code number in this window and press <Enter>. Repeat this procedure for each bin.

Part Name and Bin ID

The next step involves assigning the parts to the bins. You want to click a bin number in the left pane, and then click each part name you want to assign to that bin. The following illustration indicates that the first two parts are assigned to Bin# 3, while the third part is assigned to Bin# 4.

To assign parts to a different bin, click the next bin number in the left pane, and then click the name of the part in the right pane.

     When you have completed your bin assignments, click Close to exit the Bin Assignment window.


Shearing Options

You have the choice of using either automatic or manual shearing. If time is at a premium, then you may want the system to automatically shear the sheet. If control over the shearing process takes priority, then try manual shearing.

Automatic Shearing

If you choose to use automatic shearing, the software determines how to shear the sheet. You can also choose to have the system automatically reposition and move the clamps as needed, or you can manually reposition the sheet. See Using Automatic Repositioning and Using Manual Repositioning.

To use automatic shearing:

  1. Arrange the parts on the sheet, and define the tool assignments and sequencing.

    Select Initialize or Reset from the Shearing submenu, or click the Initialize or Reset Shearing button in the Shearing toolbar. The system prompts you to confirm. Press <Y> to reset the shearing sequence or <N> to cancel.

    Using Automatic Repositioning

    Using Manual Repositioning

    Manual Shearing

    Manual shearing allows greater control the shearing process. The overall procedure involves initializing the sheet for shearing, choosing a trimming option, or manually shearing the parts from the sheet.

    Initialize or Reset Shearing

       You must first initialize the sheet before performing any manual shearing. If necessary, select Initialize or Reset from the Shearing submenu, or click the Initialize or Reset Shearing button in the Shearing toolbar.

    The system prompts you to confirm. Press <Y> to reset the shearing sequence. Press <N> to cancel.

    Trimming the Sheet

    You must trim any material surrounding the parts from the sheet before you can manually shear individual parts. The Trim Horizontal and Trim Vertical options are used for this purpose.

    Trim Horizontal

    To trim the sheet horizontally, select Trim Horizontal from the Shearing submenu, or click the Trim Horizontal button on the Shearing toolbar. Move into the work area and position the crosshair over the top row of parts. Click the right mouse button to snap to the top edge. Click the left mouse button to shear the sheet along the top.

    Note: If the sheet is large enough to require repositioning, you cannot trim horizontally. You will have to manually shear the tops of the parts instead.

    Choose Trim Horizontal and move into the work area. If necessary, click the right mouse button to snap to the top edge of the row of parts. Click the left mouse button to trim.

    Trim Vertical

    To trim the sheet vertically, select Trim Vertical from the Shearing submenu, or click the Trim Vertical button on the Shearing toolbar. Move into the work area and position the crosshair over the left column of parts. Click the right mouse button to snap to the left edge. Click the left mouse button to shear the sheet along the left.

    Choose Trim Vertical and move into the work area. If necessary, click the right mouse button to snap to the left edge of the column of parts. Click the left mouse button to trim.

    Shearing Individual Parts

    The Manual option on the Shearing submenu allows you to manually shear individual parts or portions of scrap from the sheet.

    To shear individual parts out of the sheet, select Manual from the Shearing menu, or click the Manually Shear Sheet button in the Shearing toolbar. You can now shear manually using one of three methods:

    1. To shear along the top of a part, click the right mouse button to snap to the top right corner, and then click the left mouse button.

    2. To shear along the left of a part, click the right mouse button to snap to a line on the left side of the part, and then click the left mouse button.

    3. To shear the part, move the crosshair over the part and click the left mouse button. (As an alternative, you can use the right mouse button to snap onto the bottom right corner of the part and then click the left mouse button to shear.)

    Select Manual from the Shearing submenu, and click the part you want to shear manually.

    The system shears the part from the sheet. The part disappears from the work area.


    To reverse the last shearing sequence, select Undo from the Shearing submenu, or click the Undo Shearing button in the Shearing toolbar. The option allows you to eliminate the last function added to the shearing sequence without resetting the entire sequence.  Note: Be careful using the Undo command. While the option is capable of reversing multiple shearing operations, it can also remove the original punch or cut sequencing you assigned to the inside patterns.

    Move Clamps

    The Move Clamps option is available only if the machine driver supports moving the clamps during sequencing or shearing.
    To move the clamps:

    1. Select Move Clamps from the Shearing submenu, or click the Move Clamps button on the Shearing toolbar.

    2. Move the crosshair into the work area. Two round markers that represent the reposition posts begin to follow the crosshair.

    3. Move the crosshair onto a clamp and click the left mouse button. The system prompts you to select the clamp. Click the left mouse button again. The system prompts you to relocate the clamp. Move the mouse along the X-axis of the sheet edge to position the clamp. Repeat this step for each clamp. See the illustration below.

    4. When you have relocated each clamp, click the right mouse button to continue with other sequencing activities.



    Repositioning allows you to use sheet sizes longer than your machine's maximum X travel. The Reposition option opens the clamps and moves them so you complete the remainder of the sheet. You can also reposition in the reverse direction to return the clamps to their original position so the sheet does not hang off the edge of the table.

    To reposition the clamps during a shearing sequence, select
    Reposition from the  Shearing submenu, or click the Reposition button on the Shearing toolbar. The prompt instructs you to move into the work area and set the reposition location. As you move the pointer across the sheet, the reposition line appears and the prompt asks you to choose its location. The location of the reposition line relative to the lower left corner of the sheet indicates the direction and distance you want the clamps to move. As you move closer to the edge of the sheet, you will see a rectangle following the pointer. This represents the machine bed.

    The patterns that appear inside this rectangle are within range. When the patterns you want to sequence with shearing functions appear inside the rectangle, click the left mouse button. The repositioning line locks onto the sheet, and two solid blocks that represent the positioning posts appear. The repositioning posts follow the pointer around the work area and a prompt instructs you to choose their placement. Make sure the posts do not fall inside a cutout on the part. When you are satisfied with the location, click the left mouse button. You can continue to sequence the sheet. To reposition back to the original location, place the left position line at X=0.000; the clamps return to their original location.

    1. For the minimum reposition, place the right position line as close to the farthest pattern as possible. The pattern is within range while inside the reposition lines.

    2. When repositioning multiple parts, you should place out-of-range parts in a separate grid.

    You must reposition if your sheet
    extends beyond the table limits. While
    the Add option is active, select
    Reposition from the Sequence Options

    Use the mouse and crosshair to locate the reposition line, and then click the left mouse button.

    Use the mouse and crosshair to position the holddowns. Make sure not to locate the posts over a large hole on the sheet, and then
    click the left mouse button.

    Auto Repo or Move Clamps

    The Auto Repo or Move Clamps option controls whether the system automatically repositions or prompts you for a reposition. If you want the system to perform an automatic reposition, select Auto Repo or Move Clamps on the Shearing menu until a check mark appears next to the option. If you want the auto shearing process to stop and prompt you for a reposition when the sheet requires a clamp movement or reposition, remove the check mark from the option.  Note: The Activate Repo button on the Shearing toolbar is a toggle.

    Initialize or Reset

    This option prepares the sheet for shearing and resets any existing shearing sequence. It does not affect any cutting or punching sequencing you defined before the shearing. However, any punch or cut sequencing you perform after shearing is reset when you select the option. You must use Initialize or Reset before choosing either Auto or Manual from the Shearing menu. Select Initialize or Reset from the Shearing submenu, or click the Initialize or Reset Shearing button in the Shearing toolbar. The system prompts you to confirm. Press <Y> to reset the shearing sequence. Press <N> to cancel.

    View Shearing

    To see the shearing sequence, select View from the Shearing submenu, or click the View Shearing button on the Shearing toolbar.  Note: Use the Viewing Speed command on the Options menu to control the redraw rate of the sequence.

    Saving the Shearing Sheet

    You should save your sheet frequently to prevent data loss during power outages or computer crashes. If you press the <F10> key while in Sheet view, the system saves your sheet under its assigned name in its default folder.  Note: If you have not yet named the sheet, pressing <F10> saves the sheet with the default name of NEW SHEET.
    To save the sheet:

    1. Make sure you are in Sheet view. To save the sheet under a new name, select Save As from the File menu, or click the Save As button in the Standard toolbar. The Save As dialog box appears.

    2. If necessary, select Sheets (*.sht) from the Save as type: list. Type a name in the File name: text box. You need not add the filename extension; the system automatically adds the *.sht extension.

    3. Click the Save button to save the sheet. Click the Close button to exit the Save As dialog box.