PDC / ATC Tool Selection

PDC machines assign tools by selecting them from the turret and PDC. Standard punching machines assign tools using the turret and tool inventory. The software always assigns tools using the From Turret feature. If you open the Tool menu, you will notice that only the tool selection option available is From Turret.

Note: These instructions also apply to the ATC Storage when an Amada Acies machine is in use.

Automatic Tooling

When automatically selecting tools, the system examines the turret first and then the PDC. Tools assigned from the PDC remain in the PDC until you generate the NC program. It is at this point that the NC codes are inserted into the program to move the tool(s) from the PDC to the turret at the appropriate time.

Manual Tooling

When you manually assign tools, the system allows you to assign from the turret or from the PDC. When you select Assign from the Tool menu, the Manual Tool Assignment window appears.




Assign Tools


From Turret

If you want to assign a tool from the turret, select From Turret, and then click OK. The Tool Inventory window displays all the tools in the turret.

From PDC Storage

If you want to assign a tool from the PDC, select From PDC Storage, and then click OK. The Tool Inventory window displays all the tools in the PDC.

Note: Whether you select From Turret or From PDC Storage, you would still assign the tools as if for a punching machine.


From Cutting

If you want to assign a tool from Cutting, select From Cutting, and then click OK.

Note: This option may or may not appear depending upon the driver currently loaded.