Cut Microjoint Options

Use the Auto Microjoint, Add Microjoints, Edit Microjoints and Delete Microjoint options to add microjoints to cutting paths and modify or delete existing microjoints.

Auto Microjoint

The Auto Microjoint option on the Cut Features submenu will automatically place bridge and corner microjoints using the parameters you have specified in the Cutting Microjoints panel of the Material Information window.

If your machine is equipped with a MJC (Micro Joint Cutter) device, you can choose whether to have the joints processed by the machine. Click Yes in the dialog, the joints will be cut by the MJC device. The system will determine the joint type (corner joint, bridge joint, special tool joint) and angle automatically. Click No to have the system will use the designated relief tool in the turret to cut the microjoints, or adjust the tools along the paths using the parameters in the Punching Microjoints panel to create the microjoints.

Add Microjoints

To add a microjoint to a cutting path, while in Part view select Add Microjoints from the Cut Features submenu. Move into the work area. Move the pointer to position the cutting microjoint along the length of the pattern. If you want to choose a different pattern, click the right mouse button. Select the correct pattern and click the left mouse button. The positioning marker hesitates at the snap points so you can easily select the point. The Microjoint flyout window appears. You can specify the properties of the microjoint(s) at this point, or edit the microjoint(s) using the Edit Microjoints option.

Edit Microjoints

To modify the microjoint attributes, when in Part view select Edit Microjoints from the Cut Features submenu. Move into the work area. The pointer toggles between the microjoints. When you click a microjoint, the Microjoints flyout window appears and activates the interactive edit mode.

Microjoint Window Options

Whenever you add or edit cutting microjoints, the Microjoint flyout window appears. The window contains options that allow you to modify the attributes of the selected microjoint, such as the width and the lead-in or lead-out properties.



Operation Type

There are three options you can select from the drop-down list: Add, Edit and Delete.


The Add option will appear by default when the system is in Add Microjoints mode. Select Add from the Operation Type drop-down list if you want to add microjoints, rather than edit or delete microjoints. The system remains in Add Microjoints mode until you select another option.


The Edit option will appear by default when the system is in Edit Microjoints mode. Select Edit from the Operation Type drop-down list if you want to modify the microjoints, rather than add or delete microjoints. The system remains in Edit Microjoints mode until you select another option.


Select Delete from the Operation Type drop-down list if you want to remove microjoints. You can then move into the work area and select those microjoints that you want to remove from the patterns. The system remains in Delete Microjoints mode until you select another option.

General Info

This section of the Microjoints flyout window displays general information about the selected microjoint.

Location X

This field displays the X coordinate of the microjoint. A new location button appears to the   right of the field when you select the label, allowing you to modify the X coordinate of the microjoint.

Location Y

This field displays the Y coordinate of the microjoint. A new location button appears to  the right of the field when you select the label, allowing you to modify the Y coordinate of the microjoint.


The paths on which you place microjoints are considered sets of individual segments (line segments and arc segments). The value that appears in this field represents the distance of the microjoint from the beginning of the current segment (this is not the distance from the start point of the path). You can type a number to alter the position of the microjoint.


This field displays the width of the microjoint. You can type a new value to modify the width during either Add Microjoints or Edit Microjoints mode.

Lead-In and Lead-Out

The options in the Lead-In and Lead-Out section of the Microjoints window allow you to control the application of lead-in and lead-out lines to the microjoints. The software automatically places a lead-in or lead-out on every microjoint using the settings from the Lead In/Lead Out section in the Cutting Microjoints panel of the Material Information window.


To apply a lead-in line to the microjoint, select Enable from the Lead-in drop-down menu. Select Disable from the drop-down menu to suppress the application of a lead-in line to the microjoint.

Lead-in Length

Type a length value for the microjoint lead-in line.

Lead-in Angle

Type an angle value for the microjoint lead-in line.


To apply a lead-out line to the microjoint, select Enable from the Lead-out drop-down menu. Select Disable from the drop-down menu to suppress the application of a lead-out line to the microjoint.

Lead-out Length

Type a length value for the microjoint lead-out line.

Lead-out Angle

Type an angle value for the microjoint lead-out line.

Delete Microjoint

When in Part view, left-click the icon and the cursor will be come a blue box that snaps to the nearest microjoint when moved into the work area. Left-click to delete.